Anyone NOT going to do Magetower?

Should’ve done it the last month it was out. I hear it was really easy after overgearing it.

It’s just mog.

There’s a druid form and a book mount. I don’t care about the ugly recolors of the gear.

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If it’s fun I’ll run it some, but most likely my bear will get roflstomped and slink dejectedly back into his favorite cave and resume hibernation.

i will just doing the Druid Guardian and Warlock for transmogs

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Didn’t know it was a thing the first time, will definitely be doing on all toons this time

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Depends on how bored I am.

Never set foot in it first time, doubt i will this time either.

As with before, I’ll probably only do it for the classes whose appearances I actually care for - the monk set, for example. I think it’s awesome.

May do more if I get bored enough, though.

I doubt I’ll do it myself. Not a boycott, as I did not do the original.
Just not my cup of tea, I suppose, like Torghast, Timewalking, so many of the seasonal things.
Not sure how Blizz could have made it more appealing to me, but that’s not their job.
Different strokes for different folks?

If I’m subbed by early Dec, sure I will.

Nope. I will not. There’s enough in the game to get me frustrated.

I’m gonna do it.
Between H Sylv wipes and PVP (ugh cant even believe I’ve sunk this low that I’m actually bored enough to PVP). I’ll do anything.

I thoroughly enjoyed the mage tower back in Legion. If I could experience it as it existed back then, then my answer would be a solid yes. Make that an emphatic yes for shadow priest twins challenge with surrender to madness. Shoot, I’d like a more difficult version of the twins challenge with that old toolkit.

I doubt I’ll do any for this version they are bringing back. Current class design feels quite underwhelming to me. Why would I want to play a version where the player classes have been crippled by the removal of the crutches that hold them up? I do not see the appeal of what they are implementing.

i aint til they add more stuff down the line if they would of added a t6 recolor pink damn right i would but they seem to hate pink why us girls play wow who knows. i will wait around see how the scaling balancing goes to.

Cannot remember if I did the Mage Tower on the first go around.

I will give it a try, just for the fun of it.

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never did it the first time, sure not interested in it the second time around

Totally doing it just for my DH. I really, really disliked the whole DH aesthetic and playstyle in Legion… and then in BFA it grew on me and now it’ll be my next primary alt. It’s just so fun to incinerate things with eyebeam and leap around so freely! Should do so with a cool weapon too.

Same here. I spent oodles of time farming Kurenai rep for the talbuk, and I still ride it because it’s one of the few mounts I have that is actually attractive. 90% of the mounts in the game are butt-ugly.

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I didn’t do it in Legion and have no plans to do it now.