Anyone NOT going to do Magetower?

I see a lot of excitement here about the Magetower coming back with Legion timewalking.

I don’t think I’ll do any of it, though. I did at least one spec of every class back when Legion was endgame. Some I did multiple. It was fun at the time, but I don’t see why I’d want to do it again. I don’t even really use the weapon transmogs. For most classes I think “A Balance of Power” looks better. And you can do that anytime now.

Maybe I’m weird.


I didn’t do it the first time. I doubt I’ll do it this time.

I hate challenges.


Unless it’s really easy, I’ll pass.


Gonna try it on Guardian, we’ll see about the rest. I’d love the spelltome but dang…running the mage tower without artifact traits AND without covenant/soulbind/conduits felt pretty rough. I don’t know if I want to sink a bunch of time on a piece of content where the classes feel remarkably less.


I won’t be doing it. I did it when it was relevant, earned what I wanted to earn, and I’m done.

If they re-enabled my Legion artifact weapon’s powers and my legendaries, sure, I’d have another go at it for fun and mogs…but as-is? No thanks.


ya alotta pepole aint u no the 8 bilone that dont play WOW game


Huh? The balance of power rewards a new weapon appearance. The mage tower rewards a new cosmetic armor set lol.

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I’ll just do it for really specific classes since i’m pretty much a single classer for paladins

Paladin i’ll get and i want to attempt it for shadow priest


I’m definitely not one of these elite wow gods who can roflstomp the magetower. Challenging stuff is very hard for me.

I did do the tower before on one class/spec, but it was frustrating. I can’t imagine the skill it takes to do it on multiple characters! I’m not even going to bother with it at all this time.

I’ll do something more suitable to my skillset. Maybe I’ll go for some old fishing achievements.



I’m afraid I’ll be boycotting timewalking Mage Tower until Blizzard adds the full lineup of original rewards from the 2016 Mage Tower :pensive:


You don’t strive for better things in life, you’re just content?

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I mean, I’m not. Not interested in any of the rewards.

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I probably won’t be around when it goes live the first time, but I if I’m playing 4-6 months from then I might give it a go. The only one I’d really like to get done is the BM hunter challenge. But if it’s too much of a pain I’ll probably just leave it. I want the set, but I don’t want to lose my sanity over it either.

Looking at the Hunter set reward…nah. Not worth it. I don’t do six-year-old content for a “Meaningful challenge”.



No interest in it.


I’ll try it and see what the fuss is about.

If one of its new 'mog pieces strikes my fancy I may repeat it for that, if I can at least tolerate if not enjoy the gameplay.

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Hasn’t that just been the last 7 years?


I plan on doing enough to get the spell tome mount.

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Druid Fel Werebear?

Yes, please!


Why strive for better when everything is temporary? In the end, we are all reduced to shadows and dust.

Contentment is not a benchmark, but an attitude.