Anyone NOT going to do Magetower?

Unless they do something to stop people from using timewalking sets then it will probably be easy. For example, I heard that Mirror of the Blademaster (one of the best timewalking dps trinkets for those whose primary stat is agility) isn’t working very well but I haven’t heard anything about the strongest caster dps trinket (don’t want to name it here) getting nerfed. Also gemmed SoO gear is probably still going to give a huge edge


mains DK, thinks 3 buttons is fun
eyebeam, fel dash, space bar

I probably wont be subbed in December unless 9.2 comes out that month.

They don’t release mid-patch then next huge patch the month right after. 9.2 is 100% a 2022 patch.

I think it will be fun.

At least this time we don’t have the nethershard entrance fee. However, we went from up every 3 or 4 days to up every 3 or 4 months.

Blizzard, why must we fly so close to the sun?

Maybe. Just like the 1st time I think all the Mogs are ugly so I don’t know if I want to waste my time getting something I’ll never use.

I can’t wait to see who struts around in that new schmexeh hunter mog…

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Fun is fun my dude! And not just eyebeam, but CONSTANT eyebeam rawr

Gonna attempt on my guardian for bear form hoping all gear is equalized so item level won’t matter cause I refuse to gear in this crap expansion.

If it does matter then I’ll just wait for it to pop up again in the next expansion if that’s any good

I don’t play Guardian, so I don’t have a reason to do it at all.

imo the only thing DH is fun for is running the BIG old raids.

Why would you do that? They sti get your money regardless.

Ya unfortunately I think you’re right, we’re probably looking at February or March before we get 9.2.

I’m 100% going to do it on my main Arcane mage.

I’m heavily debating going for the book mount, because I REALLY want it, but that’s really going to rely on how hard the other challenges end up being.

Doesn’t help that I don’t play tank, and I REALLY don’t play heals. I managed to clutch out the Guardian Druid challenge back in the day (with like 24 hours before the mage tower first closed), but without some boosted power from ilvl, not sure if I could do that again… although not having to rely on a single legendary to do it (which I didn’t have at the time), will certainly help.

I’ve done every challenge at least once back in the day, except for the healer one. I have zero healing experience, so I’ll just wait at this point to see if any of the healing specs have a decently easy time in there (as I have a level 50 character of each class).

Because it is timewalking… and it may make the challenges easier. You are also able to roflstomp old content, which is fast and easy. No competition for loot either. Would you be happier if you needed current raid gear? :thinking:

You don’t have to, it’s just an option. You can solo farm gear for a solo challenge. Nothing wrong there, and I’m all for making past areas of the game viable again.

You only get to try it 3 times a year.

I think I’ll do it on a few classes to experience it since I thought it would be lame in Legion, but that’s really it.

100% will try rogue, druid, warrior. Might try mage but I’m not too crash hot at casters. If it’s not too hard may go for the Mount.

Wasn’t at all interested in it during Legion and see no reason to bother this time around. GL to those who want the mount, though. :slight_smile:

In that case, so am I.

I won’t be doing it. I don’t play this game for “personal solo challenge” crap.

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