Anyone NOT going to do Magetower?

I didn’t do it really when it was live. None of the appearances appealed to me. I wasn’t going to jump through all those hoops just for some sword or whatever. It only mattered on the Druid, and I did the DPS on mine. Since they’re not bring back the Druid tank forms, I don’t have any real drive to do those again either.

I’ll do it for the Fel Werebear.

I don’t think I’ll do it on anything else.

I want the book mount, but the challenges are extremely overtuned on the PTR and require a timewalking gear set to do adequately :confused:


Meh. The only thing I actually like out of all the rewards is the priest recolor, and I don’t play priest.

I mean, I haven’t played in weeks anyway, so probably not regardless. In the EW waiting room.

Timewalking is always a bad sign. Horribly balanced. I’ve played all these dungeons within the TW system when they were new and they never felt so tedious. TW made everything into a brick wall. Enemies are too spoungy.

I suspect the same will happen to the Mage Tower. Back then, there was the expectation of getting more gear and increasing your chances to beat it, but if they’re going with the same logic as the dungs and raids… yea, I’ll keep my distance from it.

I am gonna try, if I don’t like it I won’t continue, but the thing I am really excited is the time walking Legion m+

I see your point, but I’ll be doing it for the transmogs. Or at least I’ll be doing some of them for the transmogs. I expect it will be a mix of a different experience from the original and frustrating given that it’s TW, but I enjoy individual challenge content.

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It’s not coming around for the first time until Dec, you have a ton of time to collect a set.

Hammered at it when it was current, came to the conclusion that I just don’t have the chops to do it anymore.
Reflexes aren’t even close to what they once were.
Heck I was old before this game even came out, according to my kids.

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This is a videogame, not life. Recolored armor I don’t even like the appearances of? Nah, not worth the bother.

I’m not sure whether the type of scaling they are using will be better with a timewalking set or not.

Shreds and I already finished this conversation, he clarified his feelings towards things irl as well. Thanks for your unneeded input, I’m sure there are other posters you can follow around. Next time at least understand the context to the comment you’re replying to.

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So you are the moderator now? Maybe you should close the thread.

Once you post something to the internet, it belongs to the eons.

I know exactly what you said. I read what you wrote. You bloated it up into extreme hyperbole, and you got called on it. Implying he has no goals in life because he isn’t willing to do a great many “challenges” for gear a lot of people think is ugly is what you did, Yesuna.

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You need help, seriously. You’ve got some real underlying issues and hang-ups. Go outside and touch the grass or walk a dog.

Edit - Oh, you’re Voodoodru.

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Yeah this is where I am.

I’ll be noping out of it .

Didn’t like the artifact appearance and surely have no desire to get a recolor of a set I will never transmog into .

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Hmm interesting. That sounds awful. They were balanced around artifact weapons the first time. I’d hate to have to collect an entire set just for them. Just another reason to avoid.

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It’s not limited timed so i’m not popping another month for the gotcha .5 patch.


I really want to but I don’t pve at all. If it’s as tough as it was in legion then I bet I won’t get far in full pvp gear.

I’ll try tho.

Why on Earth would I collect a timewalking set?

We shouldn’t have to farm old content to get adequate gear for timewalking, which is current, content.

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If I have to grind crappy stones to gain access …then NO hardpass

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