Anyone NOT going to do Magetower?

I left Legion before Mage Tower came out… doubt I’ll do it when I’m here.

I think I’ll pass. The recolor for DKs is one of the blandest sets in the game.

The only question for me is whether it will be the utter sucktoid that is Torghast.

Probably worse. At least in torghast we can use our covenant abilities and soulbinds won’t be able to in mage tower.

I dont think blizz thought that part through considering how badly they ruined so many classes this expac to the point that they have to rely off of the covenant abilities and soulbinds. Doesnt matter what covenant just covenant in general.

i’m not. its past content

I probably won’t. I don’t play video games for a challenge.


I’m going to do it on my rogue, monk, hunter, and maybe DH, resto druid/feral, and pally. I’m really excited for it sense i wasn’t around for the original mage tower. I’m just after t mogs.

I feel like I’m in the extreme minority because I like this set. :sweat_smile:

I heard it’s only for a limited time. That doesn’t excite me very much.



/10 char

I still have the fights I beat memorized. Already did the work in that sense, might as well reap the new rewards.

I’m not excited about it, I don’t really care, I didn’t care when it was here the first time but Blizz FOMO’d it so I had to do it. Now that new mage tower will be here every Legion Timewalking I’ll probably get to it eventually but not right away :laughing: unless they massively undertune it and all I need to do is be awake to complete it.

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Prob not cause I know it’ll require reliable interrupts and locks have anything but that.

Pulling out a pet to get an interrupt is terrible for a class.

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Never did it before and have zero interest in doing it now.

If you don’t want to then don’t lol The game and everything in it is optional.

I’m doing it, hyped for the mount and the achievements!


I didn’t play legion so I’ll do it for pally and bear, but I’m not gonna worry about the rest.


Probably not.

I got them all on my main-at-the-time (Druid) during Legion, and never even used any of them.

As for the mount, I have well over 500 mounts already, and only ever use 3.

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Its not going to be super easy, they are balancing it around current systems. Its a challenge.

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Gonna do it for the werebear and the warlock recolor, don’t care about the rest.

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I liked some of the mage tower challenges and it will be enough to bring me back into retail wow until I complete it again. Legion I played and did those challenges on nearly every spec on all my characters that i had at cap, BFA I did visions until I was done with it and now SL i’ll do mage tower again. I enjoy solo challenges and at the moment it’s the only thing that keeps me playing retail as I do not enjoy the systems that require I make a daily routine for.

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