If it’s anything like another torghast I doubt I’ll pay it much mind. All this talk of unimpressive things you can get (a fel druid skin wt . . .) and all the things you can’t get, I don’t honestly even know what’s there that I should be excited about.
Only doing the guardian druid one, rest is just sub par garbage with another re-tint of the ugly tier 6 sets. They were cool at the time, yet their just so old and outdated that it just comes off as lazy with them simply adding in tints they didn’t use. Along with the flying book isn’t appealing enough to justify 8 challenges and two alts to have enough to do all the challenges.
I definitely will give them a shot. I love the Tome Mount.
I voted for that Tome Mount, and was bummed that the Tree Mount won.
I probably won’t get it all done the first time around, though.
Well, that’s sad. Most of us want better things, we have goals and dreams in life. If you’re telling the truth then you’ve just given up.
I’d do it again just for the RP. All of them were really epic. Especially the blackrook hold and raest one.
I gave it a brief try in Legion and gave up in frustration. I’m not interested in trying again.
I’ll probably do it for the mount, Werebear and some of the sets, hopefully it’s…properly balanced enough to not make it excruciatingly difficult.
I wasn’t good enough back then and I’m even less good enough now. Gratz to those of you who can do it.
I didn’t care to do the challenges back in the day and I’m not real fired up about doing them now.
If the reward was good, I’d subject myself to the pain, but I’ll be giving it a pass.
Im talking about the original rewards. I don’t even know what the new rewards are, except the fel bear.
I have over 400 mounts and I don’t use a vast majority of them, even the ones I spent tons of hours acquiring. I’m sort of done mount farming anymore.
It depends what’s on offer. Appearances from challenges tend to be grandiose and in my opinion, rather flamboyant for my tastes. I like the simple looks. So unlikely for me, but I’ll keep an open mind.
I’ll probably do it because what else am I going to do, I still have my Legion Leggos and such. The recolour is ok, worth doing it for the mog.
i never cared about the MT, even when it was current. I gave it some attempts on my alt prot warrior for the flail because it was unique, but I mostly hated how legion was just skins of an artifact i didnt think was cool.
You are entitled to that perspective, and I hope it serves you well.
But I cannot give up on an endeavor I never accepted as my own. I do not need to be anything other than what I am. I find contentment everywhere I look, and I am completely satisfied with my life.
You may call that giving up, but some people work their lives away striving towards what I already have.
I consider myself fortunate.
i plan on eventually getting all the new class sets
Gonna give it a try. Right now I’m running old content to stock upon socket gear, reading upon timewalking BIS, etc.
I was excited. Now I’m debating whether or not it’ll be worth it since none of my covenant abilities will work in it.
I also wanna know if I have to do every spec or if getting one spec will also unlock the others on that class for mogs.
I know it does for hidden and balance of power.