Anyone leaving SOD for cata classic?

Yes it does, lol.

When Wrath just came out, I saw tons of streams and stuff, content creators were going nuts because they had nostalgia for it.

Cataclysm is when WoW started to become more retail-esque, people aren’t as nearly as attached to Deathwing either, Arthas was way more memorable.

This is stupid, lol. First of all, people do talk about Christmas throughout the year because you can buy gifts early and just keep them hidden until then, plus family plans to meet up, so people have to plan in advance.

Also I’ve worked in retail and we’d have the Xmas stuff rolled out as soon as September.

Do you celebrate Christmas?

Wrath is when WoW started to become more retail-esque, actually.

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The only other version of WoW it had to compete with for news was Dragonflight coming out a few months after

I agree, your logic is quite moronic

Hey, it’s better than coming into the SoD forums and try to cope that Cataclysm will somehow be popular.

Well, if anyone starts doing that I’ll be sure and point them in your direction I guess

Ill be playing cata and sod at the same time, don’t take the naysayers seriously.


Some people have such hatred for Cata they can’t even fathom others might actually want to play the expansion. And a funny thing I’ve noticed is that most of the haters never played Cata the first time. They’ve just read how it ruined the game. Which is…not really accurate.

As far as Cata Classic…Blizz will schedule it for a lull in SoD. Players go to whatever hot new thing is released. The streamers will all flock to Cata. For a while anyway.

I agree, I don’t think the haters actually played Cata, coming from someone who played cata and raided heroic, I really enjoyed it, its basically a wrath plus, in the end the let down of cata was content drought in dragon soul for 14+ months.

This is really the crux of it. Dragon Soul was both a wet fart of a raid, and one of (if not the) longest content drought in the game’s history, which really clouds people’s perception of the expansion as a whole

I picture Cata Classic being much better received once people are reminded of the good parts of it, and with the last patch lasting for significantly less time before (hopefully) Pandaria Classic comes out

Siege of Org - 399 Days
Hellfire Citadel- 392
Antorus - 322
ICC- 308

Dragon Soul- 273 Days
Coincidentally, Dragon Soul lasted as long as BFA’s last patch

I would only consider Cata classic if it got active development with never before seen content patches because Cata felt incomplete and rushed.

HECK YES I AM. will still play SoD, but hopefully later phases are more balanced than p1. I heard cata had great balance, so i want to try it out. Goblins are super cool, there are more race class combos, and transmogs add so much flavor to MMORPGs. Can’t wait for cata classic. im going GOBLIN WARLOCK BABY! also, rated BGs sound HYPE.

Kind of depends how SoD turns out at endgame for me. I’m not opposed to trying Cata Classic but with the time I have I’d rather just focus with SoD and then maybe move back to the progression servers later.

If nothing else it speaks to the quality of the other raids that Dragon Soul feels like it had the longest stretch of nothing…

Except maybe Hellfire Citadel, I can’t speak for how that one went. I feel like maybe with that long of a drought they could’ve maybe used that extra patch cycle they decided to skip…

Juts call me “Mr No One” cause I’ll be there and I can’t wait as long as it doesn’t have this rune system implemented.




I will play Cata… but I have only been running one character since TBC… ain’t going to change now.

SOD has been more fun then wrath and will be more fun then Cata…

I won’t be joining in on the fun of Cata, but I did play it when it was live and I’ll always stand by my opinion that Cata was very fun for PvP.

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Leaving for, no. But might make some gold there to pay for my WoW sub.