Anyone leaving SOD for cata classic?

I enjoyed cata when it was current content but have no interrest in returning to past versions of the game (I’ve played them all).
SoD is enjoyable because it’s new.

Uldum questline was awesome btw.

Heck no.

If anything, more people will come to SoD because Era will have yet another nail in its coffin.

The only people who will want to stay and play Cata are those who sunk investment into their characters and gold, and don’t wanna let it all be left behind.

I already walked away from my retail stuff to play SoD, and I’ll easily walk away from WoW once SoD runs its course.

It’s an oasis of fun, for now.

Always amusing to see comments like this. “There’s no possible way anyone could actually like this thing that I don’t like! The only reason they have is because they’re too invested in characters, that’s gotta be it, there’s no other explanation!”

Cataclysm was good, but it’s not as good as the three that came before it, at least that’s the common opinion from the playerbase.

Also, Cataclysm still exists in Retail.

The old world, the quests, everything is still there. Barely any reason to bring it to Classic status, imo, other than to continue the trend of having multiple WoWs going.

It’s not like Classic/Vanilla which was actually removed from WoW, thanks to Cataclysm.

It’s no wonder people dislike it.

No it doesn’t. Class design and balance is completely different, the dungeons and raids are no longer relevant, and in a few cases some quests don’t even work anymore

Well, Vanilla content was straight-up gone and replaced.

There was an even bigger demand for that.

Especially given post-Cataclysm has been out longer than the pre-Cataclysm stuff.

You go out anywhere in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, Cataclysm quests.

Sure, and Era is still around for people who want that

And we’ve seen how that’s gone, eh?

It was a huge success when Classic first came back. Now, not so much, it’s pretty much run its course for most people. I only played during the first iteration.

Running another ‘retail’ WoW with every expansion is only gonna lose more and more people as it coasts along and less nostalgia is there to keep people around.

Are folks gonna play Classic MoP or Classic WoD? Maybe, but probably a drop in the bucket compared to actual Classic up to Wrath, in regards to population.

I wonder if that’s even profitable for Blizzard.

They’ll probably keep doing it as long as it has little bundles you can buy, those net more of a profit since the actual Classic games are ‘free’, just need to pay the sub, no up-front box price.

I’m playing SoD because it’s the most “different” version of WoW right now, it’s more of a remix of Classic with runes from other expansions.

It’s simply something new, not a total retread, so it’s why I’m here.

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Every expansion has its fans. Yes, even Shadowlands. It may surprise you how popular Cataclysm in particular ends up being - a lot of people regard it rather fondly, with the exception of Dragon Soul, and nothing stops people from just…not playing when it gets there. People enjoyed the class design, the PvP in general was some of the most balanced the game had seen at the time and since, Firelands is nearly always included in lists of “the best raids in WoW”

Your initial statement of “only people who have too much investment in their characters will play it” makes you look uninformed at best, and unnecessarily antagonistic at worst

Lol because it’s legitimately how I feel.

Most folks have “been there, done that” or are simply disinterested in continuing down the Classic path.

Especially given how bad the economy is- it keeps newcomers out.

I hear most that raid are just insanely rich from constant GDKP, and thus no one plays ‘normally’ anymore. My curiosity has had me check up on Wrath a few times, and it’s pretty bad what it has become. I remember DK bots being pretty common in PvP too, and all those problems point towards stagnation and neglect.

Not that retail doesn’t have issues, it certainly does, but it just seems way more prevalent in older versions of the game. I know HC also has problems with inflation.

I just see it as a hostile place for any players except those that have established themselves, pretty much par the course for old WoW.

I’m just wondering where all the folks who actually asked for Cataclysm Classic are, because you seem to be the first from my perspective.

Waiting for it to come out. What is there left to ask for when we already know it’s coming?

Just read people’s replies to OP in the thread.

Whole thing was about if people were gonna dump SoD for Cata (not that you even have to, you could play both)

For the most part, I think folks are disinterested in a Cata Classic, compared to SoD anyway.

If I had to guess, SoD would have the larger population of the two, by far.

Not saying Cataclysm is bad, it’s just old. Most have done it already.

SoD is new, so ofc people are gonna flock to that instead.

And I let my opinion be known.

Imo Cata isn’t “Classic” anymore, so I don’t even know why they’re doing it…but I digress.

I actually loved Cata as an expansion. New races, new race/class combos, new world, fun leveling zones/quests, heroics that were actually stupid hard (until all the casuals complained and they got nerfed into what Wrath heroics were), raids that were fun and challenging (though still sad they scrapped the water raid with Neptulon).

Imo the reason why a lot of people didn’t like Cata was because:

  1. It came directly after the xpac with Arthas, who’s arguably the best Warcraft villain in terms of sheer story.

  2. LFR was introduced, which some saw as the downfall of raiding as a whole.

  3. (Probably the biggest reason) The Dragon Soul raid, which was so lackluster and lasted a whopping 14 months! It was the last thing people remember about Cata and it left a sour memory for people about the xpac.

Oh no a bunch of people whining on a forum known for people whining that make up a fraction of a fraction of the actual playerbase how tragic…

Its because they wasted all their devtime on the reworked azeroth and no one cared. Then there was barely any content at the endgame.

And the folks playing into Classic Cata are an even smaller fraction than that, lol

Citation needed

Who’s talking about it?

No content creators I know of, all of them are doing SoD, HC, or retail.

It’s old hat, been there done that.

Maybe you should return to the non SoD-threads, because SoD is active.

I never played Cata or anything past it. I won’t leave SoD but probably will make a Goblin just to experience it.

Again, what is there to talk about? We know Cata Classic is happening. You’re right that it’s “old hat”, but for the wrong reasons. Just because no one is reporting on it doesn’t mean people aren’t interested, it means we already know what there is to know about it, unlike the other versions of the game that all have new things coming

Your logic is like saying no one is interested in Christmas because no one talks about it throughout the year