making stats for personnal interest
I don’t like World of WoWToken
Lol bro what?
LOL no. No one is playing crapaclysm.
Cataclysm killed the game back in the day, and now it will kill it again.
Cata classic lol I wonder if we will see a massive exodus of classic players in combination with another garbage fated season end up leading to an all time low player count.
Leaving no But I think i’m going to be playing Both you could do it fairly easily I think.
I do love sod but That doesn’t mean i’m not excited for cata and war so I am super excited for all the wow.
Literally no one.
The only good thing about Cata was Goblins.
Everything else about the experience I remember not being very pleasant.
Edit: Going through the old zone’s new storylines for the first time was also pretty cool.
it is a little bit too hardcore for casuals. i agree.
Sure buddy, not just a crappy expansion that nobody wanted.
I’m going to play it very casually, unless they manage to completely screw up SoD then maybe I’ll play it more.
cata sod would be neat though
I will be shocked if Cata takes off. I’m definitely watching it from afar though, if only out of a perverse curiosity on how well it’ll truly do.
Cata will have some new class features added to the game , so i will be trying out Cata .
Leaving? No, I plan to play both
thats a big negatory
I have a friend who wants me to play it for arenas, but I’m wondering why not just play Retail then?
This will be a great exercise. What better way to see why retail is worse than classic than to re-experience the beginning of the decline.
I don’t need to relive it, but anyone who is curious can feel free to try it out and see for themselves.
And of course, a lot of people will will point to first month population and be like “see? everyone didn’t quit!”. We’ll see if those people are still playing when the Deathwing raid drops.
Nope /10 char