Anyone leaving SOD for cata classic?

It depends on how both versions turn out and what my guild does. For SoD we have plenty of interest in the leveling raids, but we don’t have enough people to do 40 mans. Does this mean we quit at level 60? I don’t know.

I wasn’t crazy about OG Cata, but with changes I’m willing to try it as long as my guild is playing. Worst case scenario, if some people quit and we can’t do 25m we can still do 10m.

Ideally, I’ll play both, but we’ll see.

Translation: “How can we make the expansion even worse?”

I quit Wrath before Cataclysm came out and didn’t play WoW again until Classic, so it’s all new to me. At the very least I’ll check out the pre-patch. It’s not every day you get the opportunity to rectify the good decisions of your past.

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I started WoW in Cata, so I’ll at least check it out, level through the revamped zones again, etc. for nostalga’s sake.

Doubt I’ll do beyond that though.

There’s 0 reason to play Cata… many wrath/classic lovers will not be continuing on to Cata, and wrath already is a ghost town as is.

Plus Cata is basically a worse iteration of retail at this point. Might as well play the mainline game.

Why would anyone leave either you can play them both…

I loved those original heroics. Until timewalking for Cata took a huge nerf, it was hilarious watching mythic raid geared tanks die in Grim Batol. I always wonder how they would have handled the original Cata heroics.

I do plan on playing it, but the only real call for me are those dungeons. The rest of the expansion holds a nasty feeling for me because the guild I made died due to everyone leaving. Well, that, and the fact it was the start of the destruction of my favorite starting areas.

Eh they weren’t even that hard, you just had to go slow. That was it.

Honestly this.

  1. People forgot what Wrath heroics were like because they were ICC carried and used to steamrolling.
  2. The mobs actually had mechanics and aoe so if you pulled too many it was an auto-wipe.

I haven’t touched Retail since Shadowlands, but The War Within has me reconsidering that.

I left Cata-Classic for SoD.

Same as the original timeline where I abandoned original WoW for LoL.

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I remember the cheers when they said they planned to stop at wotlk, and wouldn’t do cata. I also vaguely remember them saying something about adding more to wotlk that wasn’t cata. So this entire thing is kind of lame.

Pretty much the point. That is also what made Grim Batol so hard for so many people. They forget about the aoe ability that increases damage of all mobs in the area by 50%. Or bosses that get up to 200% increases in damage. It has mechanics in it that will wipe a group until they are Firelands equiped.

But hey, we all remember when it was nerfed and everyone had dragon soul gear.

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Nah I’m just going to keep playing sod or whatever the next season is. Didn’t mind tbc, didn’t enjoy wotlk, I know I’ll hate Cata with a passion because it’s wotlk 2.0 so I’ll just chill on the seasonal vanilla realms or fresh era realms until they stop coming out.

Why would anyone leave? The sub is shared.

They should have known better by the time the added a WoW Token after saying they had no plans to introduce a WoW Token.

Dragonflight was pretty good. Bfa was bad. Shadowlands was a bit better, especially towards the end.

How dare you play more than one version of WoW.


No interest in further progression.
Will play SoD for a bit longer.

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I prefer SoD… cata was, ‘meh’ to me… only other version I’ll play is retail