Anyone leaving SOD for cata classic?

Hold on, let me check…
Back in 2019 classic I made this shaman, and a 60 mage, aaaand I didn’t play tbc or wrath. So, when cata drops, I will have to level these characters through tbc, wrath, and then get to do cata content. Unless I reroll and start from level 1, or a DK…

But SoD cap is 25, and about to be 40.

Sorry, I won’t be pouring all my time into a version of the game that continues to raise the level cap.

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it’s actually quite and earth-shattering expansion…

I’ll be playing both. I liked cata.

I will be, it was the peak of guild play with 10 mans.

i wanna excuse to do cata leveling zones again and cata dungeons, but cata endgame aint gonna happen

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I have a max level wotlk character I do daily crafting on, which generally earns me enough every month with no other farming to buy a token to play SoD for free.

There is no way I’m releveling to max and remaxing professions in cata. So I’m pretty annoyed my free game is going to vanish.

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I’ll probably end up playing both, but which one I spend more time on depends how fun P2 and P3 are.

Probably not, because Dragon Soul sucked. Even pro-Cata people freely admit this. That doesn’t discount the entire rest of the expansion


I did not like CATA - but I loved MoP. But it was mainly because my original guild mostly left after wotlk (clever people) and then I found a guild that lasted for over a decade during MoP. I might level a couple of toons through cata if they announce MoP - but otherwise Im done.


lol no and I have no idea why they put resources into this. I guess enough people are interested. I’ve just never met one.

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I’d rather leave world of Warcraft altogether than go back to cataclysm

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I predict most people will quit before Dragonsoul even comes out. That raid was the cherry on top of the crap sandwich that was Cataclysm.

It would be the other way around if anything for me. Cata for token to play SoD.

But no I don’t plan to play Cata unless I have to.

Not likely. Firelands, the raid just before Dragon Soul, is widely regarded as one of the best raids in the game’s history. The best you’ll get is people getting heroic on farm and gradually losing interest, which is how literally any other patch cycle of any expansion goes

I will likely be quitting SoD for HC SSF tho. Ironman, lesssgo
I’ll come back with there’s an honor grind to go for. Forced raiding for gear progression is zzz

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I’m willing to say yes if they promise to release Cata with pre-nerf Heroics. If not, then I’ll just let my alts in wrath languish.

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Cata isn’t coming for a long time and I assume it drops during a lul at the end of a SOD phase meaning it will be easy to start cata and not miss much SOD.

I plan to level up and have two characters raid ready and then I fall back into raid logging and play SOD at some point.

They did say Cata with changes, wtf that means…

I’m done playing anything that isn’t built upon Vanilla, or Vanilla itself.

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Same. Best iteration of the game despite its flaws.