Anyone get the urge to play an alt

I’ve been playing some fresh alts to get them decently geared up and seeing if I like them as a generalization, trying to decide what my SL main will be. My alts are really only used for WQ farming on 2k gold days and/or old raid farms so the extra gear helps and that justifies my desire to gear them.

But I also don’t bother with the cloak much other than maybe nabbing it for them so I can get essences unlocked. It is a major hassle after you do it 3 or 4 times and most of them will not ever see the cloak.

I’m sure the pre-patch event will have plenty of catch-up gear :smiley:

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I don’t often take alts up to 120 anymore, I just level lock them at 110 and twink them, I don’t need to worry about corruptions and the amount of power I can accumulate still feels rewarding.

I did have an urge to play an alt, so I made a vulpera, and long story short, I think I changed my horde main from a warrior to a rouge, lol.

I started back up in BfA early June after taking a lengthy break a few months after 8.1. Doing all of this on my main the first time was grindy but at least it was novel, and the new catch-up systems were rolling out right as I came back so I got him up to a solid spot where he’s good to go. Alts? No thanks. So much stuff being gated behind systems and quest chains with zero replay value is so damn off putting.

I’d play through the WoD intro scenario 100 times over before investing into an alt at this point.

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I’m more like, ‘‘I wanna get some play time on this alt… but I don’t do end game so it’ll just be a waste of time’’

Or the ‘‘I wanna level something but feels like it’ll just collect dust after’’.


Yep. And until you get the corruptions, any M+ group you join is effectively carrying you. Sux.

Nah. Leveling classes in other games is more rewarding and less repetitive. My break from wow has been nice.


I had a similar experience trying to join a +10 on my main who’s ilvl 475 equipped fury warrior w/ a score that was above 1700 at the time (it’s over 1930 now). Lots of declines for a +10 and the one where I did get an invite and was declined 10 sec later. Totally baffled me and I wound up in a +8 just so that I could get a weekly chest. It’s ridiculous trying to pug these days lol. That was my lone attempt at pugging this xpac with the exception of guildies listing a guild group to fill a spot or two and was like I’m not doing that again.

All the time but I have so many that need leveling that I log on can’t decide and log off.

Ha, that’s what I do on my main.

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I level up my alts, but I do have a few sitting right at 120 that haven’t even begun the 8.3 process because I just can’t be bothered to do it.

and a few like this paladin that I’m putting in minimal effort on.

Yeah I couldn’t be bothered to get myself geared up this expansion coming into it so late. With only 3-5 months until Shadowlands why bother?

BFA really has non-existent catchup mechanics for mains. Which sucked because I loved Legion 7.3 and 7.3.5 for how catchup friendly it was.

I’m gonna finish my heritage armours, finish up some professions in old expansions for completion sake, and just focus on stockpiling gold for Shadowlands.

Let us hope that the prepatch event gives some good gear to help level in Shadowlands.

I do. Then I log on and do one single low research vision with them and promptly log off for a couple days. Gj on those time played metics blizzard.

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Honestly, the only parts of the alt grind that I find troublesome are:

1.) Having to do all of the scenarios for Crucible of Flame each time.
2.) Having to go to Naz’Jatar and repeat the opener EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. just to get access to Magni and the heart chamber.

I’m so sick of being forced to spend hours and hours in Naz’jatar that it makes my physically ill to contemplate going there.

Yes, the cloak leveling is insane, and I’ve only 15’d one toon. I tried really hard to get into it with my hunter, but the 4-page section of the leveling killed it. Just killed it dead. I put down the hunter I had solo vision goals on and just quit at that point. I have no desire to repeat leveling the cloak to 15.

I would have spent SO much more time in the game had they made it less of a job and more of a game. I don’t sub to WoW for chores.

Thats why so many people call it “Chores” because if you dont do em your alt is immensely behind other players.

At least it’s only a few kills and a boss and a few cutscenes, if you can fly. I went once to Naz before I could fly and sent no more characters until I could fly.

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I have that urge every time I log in to the game.

Well, you don’t have to do those things.

Why even do that on a main?

Kill Nzoth once per week for core and done.

No visions needed.

And the real question is what are you hoping to achieve on any alt or main?

That really is what determines what you “need” to do.

Make a group and you’ll see 15 dps apply all 470+ in 2 minutes.

Then you’ll understand why dps get declined a lot.

It’s not personal.

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