“Hey i really miss playing my Bear tank, and having a tanking character readily available really enables me to do stuff with my friends almost whenever i want to”.
Insert flashbacks of farming hundreds of thousands of echoes on my Hunter
I’d like to differentiate between an alt and a second main. My main and second main do this stuff. They have their essences and corruptions and whatnot.
My alts spend most of their time hopping around random BGs or the Heroic raid or low M+ keys. I don’t think any of my alts have an ilvl above 470. Most of them don’t even have rank 15 cloaks (and some don’t have cloaks at all).
It’s a starting point, from there I can start progressing into higher content. I already have AOTC so I get invited to normal raids and heroic raids without problems.
At that point I play the game, to quote southpark.
Yeah, pretty much. I did level some to 120 to take advantage of the 100% exp buff so that I have a selection to pick from when SL hits and I find out one job is severely damaged. And I do not mean nerfed because I’ve stuck to fun jobs that get nerfed, I’m referring to having their playstyle changed to no longer be fun, like Shaman and SPriest were. I hear that Shaman are going back to (almost) the way they were, so I’m optimistic.
I would like to be able to play alts like I used to. A natural progression into gear. Normal dungeons, heroics, mythic 0 and beyond. Slight normal/heroic raiding. Nothing to in-depth. I just don’t want a job to play it. Shadowlands they did away with this (or so I’m told); but, I really wish they would consider killing the system now in preparation for the pre-patch. I guess the launch is about 4-5 months off,
less a month pre-patch stuff.
All I’m saying is, I wish it was now because I’d imagine outside of a few, a majority of people want to “play” the game and not work at it.
The best is when I opened the neck on a bunch of toons and then they released instant 50 neck level and no way for your “30ish” neck level toon a way to have the same catch up.
rings and trinkets need the RNG gods to like you imo. Gear wise…yeah. Rings and trinkets for me I tend pray to elune, the void lords, hell if azeroth had a green jello god I’d pray to them too.
My prayer is simple. Please don’t give me a double. I just need this 1 trinket slot.
the rng gods not only don’t heed me, I almost hear them laugh as the double drops. Best I hope for is better stats. This I will admit I do get sometimes.
I was hoping for something like that but I must be missing something. After a break, I got my main up to 440 with my cape and thought I’d do some mythics. I asked around and was told “start with M0, you’re well geared for it” so I applied to 16 M0 and got declined on 14 and the other 2, I was invited and removed from the group within 10 seconds.
Every time
My issue is i can’t PvP with any of them because my hp is 280 or 300 k
Going up against eveyone who has 450 -500k
Because my neck is level 50 -60 most of them
Is not fun for me or my team
Blizzard needs to fix this issue
I have done nothing but level and army of Vulpera to 120 BUT THATS IT. I really wanted to enjoy these other classes but BFA was just soooooooo boring I couldn’t do it
Sorry man. Feels bad™ … I’m shy of a 3300 io, showing a 480 ilvl, from same level keys. It doesn’t change at all.
My advice, be persistent, start your own groups, and make friends or guild yourself with likeminded people. I don’t disagree with you at all, it’s especially daunting and not fun. It’s sad because players really set the bar for things, they don’t want players “ready” for the content, they want players who overpower it. Hopefully SL will return us to pre-bfa/legion days.
That’s weird, because I thought they made some decision not to long ago that getting into PVP was going to be easier. I’m a hunter, so as much as I try to dabble with PVP, I’m just not META, making me less desired. That seems to be a common theme for some time though.
I’m jealous, I’m account capped and wanted to make a vulpera. Unless I want to delete a 120, I can’t. People ask me why did I level 50 120s, and I’ve always felt you feel a natural progression in something and for me, that’s exciting enough.
I’m guessing, but leveling is so easy right now and even easier in SL… Just can’t do it unless I want to reactivate an old account or buy a new one… Brings me back to the…
Sorry to hear that man. I wish I had more characters myself. I might start a rouge here soon and that should make Be the finial class I don’t have a 120 on horde.