Anyone get the urge to play an alt

No, someone mentioned how bad boomies are, reminded me of thinking of being a cute lazer chicken and ended up wanting to main it so i am going to start all over on boomie to prep for SL

This is what ive done in the first week suprisingly, 12 cloak

I’ve done many cloaks, yea its annoying, even with the skips it can take 2hs.

But getting that free 445 gear for alts and access to essences catch-up is awesome and helps even if all you do are world quests.

Glad that it only took 10 minutes for my post to be restored after you mass-flagged it.

[Best southern accent] Bless your heart, aren’t you just adorable… Run along princess and go help the meager find meaning with your wisdom elsewhere. Grownups are talking.

If I’ve learned anything, you have to ignore the obvious trolls. They’re attention seeking and the moment you feed them, you give them purpose in life. This sort of thing happens all the times to my posts. Trolls take an opinion post until it’s completely on fire and Blizzard locks it. Rather then just banning the people inciting it to begin with. Pay them no mind.


I know what you’re saying, but It’s so hard to resist replying to them.

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I’m doing my last legendary cloak quest chain for today, I have 2 more alts, but might not get it until maybe next week or 2

This is, in part, reliant on perspective and in part, on the spec you choose to play.

I leveled a prot paladin using heirlooms, got him to 440 iLvl through WQs alone, then proceeded to do a few keys; I got 2 or 3 pieces of usable gear out of the 10-12 keys I did. I also got the 2nd best tank trinket from the 4 mythic dungeons weekly quest and another piece of gear from the TW weekly the previous week.

I’ve done 4 (I think) of the assaults, barring all the blue quests, and managed to get enough resources to upgrade my cloak to rank 7. I also had enough echoes of nyalotha to get 3 of my bis essences to rank 3. As for neck, between the emissary quest azerite rewards and the free initial HoA 50 boost, my neck is at lvl 82 with bare minimum effort. I also have 2 of the mind flay corruptions at rank 3 and it’s quite useful for a bit of dps in keys +9 and below.

All this without any of it feeling very grind-y tbh. Of course, you have to consider that it’s easier for a tank to get into m+ with low io at the moment, than it is for a dps.

Yup. Since Blizzard won’t do anything about them, the next best thing is to put them on permanent ignore. At least we have that functionality.

Eventually they move on to other places and troll there.


Wait, we do? When did they implement this? How do you do it?

Hmm. The post I was just reading from Comanche vanished in the middle of me reading it.

You can either click their profile and change the visibility option to “ignore forever,” if they have their profile hidden like Yesuna does you can go to your own profile, click Preferences, then Users on the left hand side, then add them to your block list manually. It’s really easy and simple.

My forum experience has become like 5x more enjoyable since I learned about that function. The only time I see people like Yesuna or Metrohaha is when someone else replies to them.

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My main issue with the cloak quest right now since they changed the Echoes aquisition, is that you miss out on 1000 echoes when you do the chain. Because you don’t have the cloak when they ask you to do 2 assaults, you don’t get echoes for those assaults. And honestly it feels like a waste of echoes.

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Think it has to do more with how far a long you think your alts should be. I play my alts maybe an hourish a week each, just to do the weekly assaults and the emissaries.

Sometimes I’ll decide to play an alt for extra time and do visions to rank their cloak up, or pick one to do a mythic plus and arenas to get the two weekly boxes in addition to what I do on my main that week. Granted I’ve been doing this since the start of 8.3, but minimal time investment per alt has 5 rank 15 cloaks and a full rack of corruptions (only one set for three of them though). I since picked back up my warlock after deciding my Priest wasn’t worth the investment though, and he’s only got a rank 12 cloak and only 4 haste corruptions. The progress definitely comes slower than it did in mists.

Main gripe is that essences cost so much for a rank 3. If my new alt wasn’t a dps, I’d have to buy 4 essences and that’s annoying. As it stands, I had to buy two and that’s a whole haste corruptions I could’ve bought.

I think that I just peed my britches.

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The vale quest you only have to kill the end boss for to complete it, you can skip straight to it and not do the assault. You can save that assault for after you get your cloak.

Well, I wish I’ve known that before :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve leveled too many alts not to find as many short cuts as digitally possible.

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I have leveled a few alt only to get disheartened at 120 or just before.

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I knew I something was off. For the desert one I am used to seeing at least 3 dailies on pickup. I saw none today. Since it was a shake and bake get this over with…I saw meh, press on.

I saw dailies in vale though. Odd…

I will always play alts but not to hardcare once I decide which one I want to main.