Anyone else upset that they are removing skeletons from the game?

If 40 people are killed around the same time in said area, you will still see 40 skeletons.

The original game, with all its flaws, was perfect.

I donā€™t want a flawless version of the original game. I want the original game.

This change isnā€™t an adaptation to new hardware or client design. Itā€™s a blatant change to remove something thatā€™s perceived as a flaw in the original game. I WANT ALL OF THE FLAWS FROM THE ORIGINAL GAME INTACT.

This is actually true. I knew Blizzard couldnā€™t resist meddling. We all knew it.


So then it should be the easiest thing in the entire world to reintroduce the skeletons.

I know a person claimed thatā€™s the only reason, but my reasoning is for as little changes as possible. Iā€™d also like this feature to return in retail, though.

Apathy as a result of small consequences is just a disgusting thing, imo.

If youā€™re gonna set out to specifically make classic servers, this is a feature that should be in them. Itā€™s not even subjective.

Iā€™m starting to think that because of how passionate you are about this argument, that youā€™re trying to minimize the impact of this so that it doesnā€™t affect the enjoyment of your own experience. Itā€™s a change, and a bad one. Gonna have to accept that.


I hope you got a hot tub time machine.

I donā€™t mind how long I am going to queue. But, I want all the skeletons. I want the epic chills.


Itā€™d be nice if Blizzard made a list of ā€œChanges that weā€™d like to review and address later when we have more time.ā€ Skeletons and corpses should be on that list.


Nope, I like the skeletons, actually, I think it was a great feature. But youā€™re sitting around here claiming itā€™s ā€œgame breakingā€ and how awful the response was to this when, in fact, it was a legitimate issue. They donā€™t need nor want to reintroduce skeletons. Iā€™m passionate about how annoying you allā€™s whining and complaining for every little f**king thing is. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m passionate about.

Screw skeletons, completely insignificant. What I said can be applied to every little thing thatā€™s being whined about, but still weā€™ll see you all next Monday!

I have to go to a meeting Iā€™ll be back later to see another one of your sad responses.


The original game, with all of its flaws, is perfect.


The problem is that unlike hate speak in chat there is no way to detect skeleton writing spam and alerting people. If they donā€™t get to it quickly, there is no proof it happened unless someone took a screen cap with a timestamp, and even then how to prove the screen cap wasnā€™t altered.

Sorry but the small benefit you get from seeing skeletons isnā€™t worth it.

I feel like I touched the right nerve here.

You claimed it wasnā€™t game breaking, I implied it affected the game as a response. I did not claim it was game breaking.

And we donā€™t need classic.

Yeah, I really trust your argument is genuine after you said this.

Imagine going on a forum for the same reasons, talking about the same subjects, and opposing it equally, but somehow the responses are ā€œsadā€. Okay man, youā€™re upset. I get it. I just donā€™t get how you can be more upset about people wanting a feature that was there, more than the people actually wanting that feature. Probably because of my reasoning in the post you responded to.


Anything that has to do with player conduct is probably going to remain with current rules and standards. They are not going to roll back those types of items.

Youā€™re right. I remember back in 2005 when everyone left the game because of skeleton writing. Thousands of lives were lost due to suicides, because of the things people wrote with skeletons.

Every private server has failed because of skeleton writing too. The moment it happens, you may as well just shut everything down.



Hello boiling frog, hope youā€™re hanging on.
Blizzard is turning up the heat.


What about when people do this with live bodies? Should we remove the live bodies from the game as well?


Itā€™s the only way to prevent the suicides. Everyone will kill themselves if someone writes something naughty.

Even the time tested swear jar cannot save you now.

Think of the children!


Well, things have changed since 2005. From Blizzardā€™s point of view there is a risk some SJW will see some offensive message and the next thing you know some liberal press has a screenshot pronouncing that WoW is the game for white supremacists, or WoW is what makes people commit mass murder.

You can joke about it, but they have to consider worst case scenarios. What is the worst that can happen from removing skeletons?

And doing it with live bodies requires moronic co-operation on a far larger scale.


Streamers like asmon have their fans doing it by themselves while theyā€™re afk.

The same consequence you mentioned can still happen this way.

Does it go back on their stance of #nochanges? Yes


Yeah but the fans are probably not spelling out stuff that is truly offensive.

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So let me translate here:

Iā€™m not fighting for or against anything. Iā€™m just complaining a lotā€¦about literally everything.
Itā€™s sad. I donā€™t care whether they do or not, Iā€™m just fine with complaining, Iā€™m just fine with complaining about complainers.