Anyone else upset that they are removing skeletons from the game?

Okie dokie.

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Not really, just wanted to point out youā€™re a bunch of whiners and itā€™s sad. Point proven.

Not opposing anything, just pointing it out. Game works just fine with or without the skeletons. No argument made.

ā€œWorks just fineā€ isnā€™t the point.

Retail ā€œworks just fineā€.

The whole point of classic servers is what, might I ask?


Posts screenshot claiming the skeletons were his opponents when they were actually him being camped.

The reason people are making such a big issue out of it, is that we all knew that Blizzard couldnā€™t resist meddling with the game. They just canā€™t stand the idea that the original game with all of its flaws, is perfect.


I mean, you just proved my point.
Nobody is whining, theyā€™re discussing things.

You know, cuz itā€™s a discussion forum.
But hey, if you wanna snark at people and feel superior. You do you.


Lol. Bro. its a skeleton.

ā€œItā€™s a Horde paladinā€


Regardless, works just fine isnā€™t broken. And retail actually runs spectacularly, itā€™s not broken. You can run it no problem. Just like Classic will, with or without skeletons. No argument to be made.

And the point of classic servers is to bring back classic WoW, as authentically as then can. They determined this wasnā€™t possible in the recreation due to the issues it caused when it was in vanilla, so it wonā€™t be there. The game will still work.

Retail also isnā€™t broken.

Thank you for agreeing.

Itā€™s all for nothing if they donā€™t try their absolute best.

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nope, OP was a massive whine as is everyone else complaining how itā€™s going to ā€œbreak the game.ā€

Just like everything else right? Oh wait, itā€™s releasing in a few days. Seems to not be broken with or without the skeletons.

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Except itā€™s the principle of the thing. Really! Give the PC movement an inch and theyā€™ll take a bloody mile, it just the way it goes.

The fact of the matter is that itā€™s an unwelcome and unnecessary change and NO ONE that is a true supporter of Classic World of Warcraft should feel the need to abide for any ā€œreasonsā€ whatsoever.


Was there ever an argument that a lack of skeletons means itā€™s not functional, or was the argument actually about authenticity?


Of course I agree. And they are trying their best. Skeletons, there or not, is not a game breaking feature and was a massive issue (at least to Blizzard) in vanilla WoW. Hence, it has been deemed (by blizzard) not possible to bring them back.

It was also deemed not possible to bring classic itself back after Cataclysm.


You gotta be trolling right?

There is no way someone is ONLY playing classic for skeletonsā€¦

That is like me saying I am ONLY playing classic to pick earthroot, I donā€™t care about anything else in the game, any other herbs, or even making potions. I am only playing to pick earthroot. Come on manā€¦


Thereā€™s something Epic about piles of bones steadily getting deeper and deeper as you make your way closer to the entrance of Ironforgeā€¦ so deep that you couldnā€™t even see the stairs. You knew that heroes had gone before you and it was incumbent upon you to fight in their honor to raid that bastion of pointy eared disco dancing snowflakes and ankle biting midgets.

Tell me skeletons were not an integral part of the game that meant something.


Oh please, if you go in to Southshore or STV you know something is going on regardless. I donā€™t need skeletons everywhere to tell me that. Most of the large PvP areas in the game are dangerous.

And? Youā€™re talking about an entire game, not an insignificant feature like skeletons. If skeletons is the only reason someoneā€™s playing WoW, then thatā€™s a problem in itself. Iā€™m sure the 2 subs blizz will lose because of skeletons will really change their mind /s. While itā€™s literally tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of subs that will come back for an entire game. apples and oranges.

Stop acting like youā€™re entitled to something. Blizzard brought the game back from the dead for you and you all keep whining about every little thing.