Gotta love that “are you gonna quit mage?” is the top thread on the mage forums. But of course Blizzard don’t care and even had the audacity to say they think it’s in a good place.
insert your favorite “I can’t even” meme
Gotta love that “are you gonna quit mage?” is the top thread on the mage forums. But of course Blizzard don’t care and even had the audacity to say they think it’s in a good place.
insert your favorite “I can’t even” meme
After trying my other classes, I’m sticking with my mage. No other caster feels as good to play. I’m currently playing Spellslinger Frost, and it’s pretty solid.
Well if people (like me) or others point/hint and different playstyles (pet, someone else brought in general something else up many months ago) the “mage is no pet-class” or new-stuff-haters always come along and flame/be toxic in those threads.
Its just sad that Blizzard/the devs cannot think of a NEW and funny playstyle for mages.
We have (for frost, im not so deep into fire+arcane) the same old+boring playstyles since legion now, minus the shimmer-lancing.
Even from the hated (skeleton form) shadowlands they brought back a talent nobody liked+likes at all.
Is there rly no creative dev left anymore who can think of NEW gameplay styles for mages?
Even without perma pets, i need 1-5min and think of something new:
What about the big frost-beam for AOE that Jaina casted in the BFA raid?
What about some tripple-magic attack that Khadgar used in WOD?
What about some just +new+ spells like someone made a mini-video some years ago…dunno if i can find it, but it looked funny like a new aoe-splash spell:
Found it!
Little video: Just delete the spaces between.
twitchstats. net/clip/HeartlessTastyAlfalfaHey Guys
Just a little nice channeling spell…BOOM you summon little pets who ran/fly into enemies and explode.
Even that simple 3d-modell-test is even more intresting than the super old+boring…here 1 orb, here blizzard.
And if anyone remember the starting quest at the isle. There was a mage/or magic user who summoned little arcane golems who attacked/defended the people from the nerub-critters. Such a nice spell idea for arcane as a defense
So funny because I’m like the other specs seem terrible, I’m 100% sticking with fire - no other class or spec does it for me
I’m glad you enjoy it. I’ve been a frost enjoyer for a long time, and I often play arcane as well. Every time I try fire, I don’t have a good time with it because Fireball and Pyroblast hit like wet noodles.
Switched my main to Warrior. Much smoother to play and also less deaths
It’s so funny reading this doom and gloom while every content creator has frost and fire at A+ to S, depending on who you ask.
I’m so impressed with the way fire mage plays right now and how they look on the PTR that I’m main swapping from enhancement shaman to fire mage lmao. I don’t know why everybody is talking like they suck. Fire mage is going to be absolutely bonkers in 11.1. I bet they’ll be the #1 dps in the hands of a good player.
Fire looks great numbers wise but I’m not sure if I’ll play much next season if Arcane is as bad as it was last season. it’s the only spec that interests me right now.
Yeah people like different stuff. I’m the exact opposite. I love fire and refuse to play arcane. But fire and frost players should be happy for their S2 capabilities. Arcane has reason to be upset.
Yeah on one hand the loss of a PF charge / nerf to Phoenix Reborn is pretty annoying, but on the other hand, there’s now way less opportunity cost around swapping out the PF-centric talents (Ashen Feather, From the Ashes, Phoenix Reborn). Which in turn means you can instead pick up all the Living Bomb talents and Firefall for AoE and never have to use Flamestrike, which is probably the most egregiously clunky AoE rotation in the game lol. Can also get away with full ST/ignite and still avoid Flamestrike.
This is what I plan on doing. Until they make flamestrike on target I’m going full ignite/living bomb.
Honestly, I think about it a lot but the aesthetic and class fantasy keeps bringing me back. It also just feels really comfortable.
But sometimes I play another class and feel like mage just needs a lot of work to be properly fun.
To be clear most people are not complaining about DPS (for the most part). People are complaining about rotational changes that is making the spec significantly less fun to play.
Right now I would make the argument all three of our specs feel like less fun versions of their former selves. S2 DF Firemage felt extremely smooth and rewards skill, but is gone with this insane proc overload. Arcane mage from the beta felt perhaps the best any spec ever had, but Blizzard decided we could not have that much fun. Frost mage in DF honestly just felt better to play being able to launch GS no matter what instead of holding for flurry charges.
I personally have not been complaining about frost and fire since I have not been following 11.1 for them, but in terms of arcane from what I have felt trying the rotation from the latest APL I am not that excited.
Fair enough, but man I think fire feels great and will continue to feel great with 11.1. Combustion being on such a low effective cooldown is going to be amazing.
I don’t know how they felt in DF S2 but if it was smoother than this it must have been a blast. For the skill expression, I definitely believe it’s a spec where the skill gap will be obvious.
When I came back my friends told me don’t invite pug mages to keys because your average WoW player is awful at playing a mage, and my experience corroborates that. I’ve seen mages with 2.5k io and 630 ilvl doing less than 1m overall dps, which is just insane because my freshly rolled mage was doing around 1m overall at like 600 ilvl two days ago (973,000 without aug evoker and 1.09m with one, to be more precise).
As far as Arcane, you have every right to complain from what I’ve seen lol.
I did a 13 wake yesterday where an enhance shaman burst for 13 million on the opening pull. I couldnt even top 5 as arcane. The balance this tier is so laughably absurd, not to mention how clunky mage feels in general, that it doesnt surprise me that a large number of us are just straight up quitting. I can be mechnaically neigh on flawless, less damage/healing/deaths taken the anyone else with good ints and cc, and will still be considered a crap dps because the numbers arent there if your not frost, and even then you may eek out 2nd place if the other two dps arent as good as you. Its like what are we even doing here.
Most classes only have one top spec.
Like here. All the keys want an enhance shaman, not ele shaman.
Uhhhhh elemental shaman is still A tier bordering on S. It also does more damage by a significant amount then frost. Your take is crap, eapecially since mage is a dps only spec. Having two of our specs in the gutter and one upper mid at best is ludicrous.
It’s not my take. It’s just how the game is and has been.
Stop being disingenuous. There’s tons of frost mages at the top of the leaderboards
. They are S+ tier.
See this is the fun part where you can cherry pick data to try and prove whatever you want lol. The same 2 chineese dudes and 1 American/Eu guy showing up sporadically at the top of the leader boards means literally nothing. How about you post the dps ranking aggregates? Even then your argument wouldn’t hold water because there are currently more enhancement shamans then arcane and fire combined times 3. Add in elemental and there are more shamans then all 3 mage specs one and a half times over. Why you would defend this nonsense is nuts.