Anyone Else Thinking Of No Longer Maining Mage?

I’ve always mained mage if a spec felt bad I’d just change spec for a tier until it was fixed. My preferred spec being Fire.

However 11.1 I might actually drop Mage as my main because it’s been so mishandled for the first time ever I may actually main Warlock for a tier.

It’s just sad :frowning: I have nearly every rep at exalted on this character and it feels disgusting to main something else but I’m at the breaking point.


I changed to warlock as they have made fire really unfun for me. It seems like every mage spec is over complicated now. I feel like I’m staring at my WA most of the time.


I am beyond that, I just stopped playing the game altogether. But I definitely understand how you feel. At the start of the expansion I leveled more alts than I ever had before, partly because there was nothing else to do because of the inane timegating and partly because I was curious about various hero specs. Literally every other spec I tried has felt x10 smoother to play than any of the 3 Mage specs and I’ve been maining Mage since Vanilla. Destruction Warlock is basically a much better Fire Mage and Devastation Evoker a much better Arcane Mage so there is no reason to fight through the 20 years of bloat and hotfixes for things that no longer even exist but are inexplicably still a core part of the class.


Yup. I feel the same way. Honestly im sick of feeling like I need to watch a ton of videos to understand my class. Mage has become so complex that it just doesn’t feel fun anymore. I was playing Warlock and I was considering maybe this is the class for season 2 because it doesn’t stress me out.


Way ahead of you. I still enjoy the mage, but I have switched mains to my druid because I like being able to do more than just ranged damage.

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Im just tired how Blizz is treating the mage- esp. the frostmage.
I rly had hoped they could give us the pet in an alternate gameplay-wise. Not op, but just fun for the pet-lovers.

Atm after some break i only want to clear the hero raid with my mage and then retire him next season.
Still hoping that there will be a new class that is fun +soon+ like Bard, Tinker or so.
Till then i guess i will tank a bit with my warrior but nothing wild. Just relaxed some delves, raids and so on. No M+ stress.