This gear is going to be out classed anyway
Think Ill just stay BM
I’m seriously considering going warlock and RPing my mage went to dark magic because his spells were weak asf.
Well, I wouldn’t really no longer main my Mage but these latest changes sure were discouraging.
Already begun, not playing this game if I can’t play Spellslinger Frostbolt PvP.
Mage is more viable if you have the keybinds and are braindead enough to succumb to that style of play.
It’s so dumb in PvP we need 3x cancelaura macros, weakauras, etc.
We pump the F out of damage, and have unlimited survivability and movement.
But when it comes to AWC style, play, its a disgusting game.
Frostbite making our blastwaves not work, every spec in the game cleaving and breaking polys including our own even with cancelaura
having to get subzero just for the 10% extra damage, which typically only gives us damage from Frostbite, Ice Nova or Pet nova, and only one of those is not on cooldown.
Dynamic cast timers and frostfire empowerment screws bigtime with our rotation and perfect CC in PvP
The whole class is a monster and its disgusting non mage feeling right now. Frost does not feel like frost. Classic WoW is much better.
I have a hunch they are forcing button mashing instant style high ddamage play so people go night elf in pvp, once everyone is night elf and they pumped their profits,
they will switch the style to awc, perfect control, then eveyrone will go human for double trinket or orc for less stun duration. smh. they’ve been at this game for almost 20 years. they konw how much $ they pump with race and faction changes.
Thought other than destruction the warlock class was in a very bad spot.
Yeah but at least demonology is also fun to play. Destruction also is complex and all about procs and completely reliant on one CD for damage. Mage needs a complete rework
With the recent buffs (slightly-lesser-nerfs?) to Sunfury I’ll prob stick Fire. But I gotta say, the design philosophy / implementation around throttling our resources is really strange when comparing the two hero specs. One one hand you have Frostfire, where you have to:
- Do your Combustion thing
- @cursor Meteor for some outdated reason in the middle of your ST rotation, timed so it’s always in Combust or SKB
- Diligently monitor procs so you don’t waste anything or munch them more than you already will by design (?)
- Be extremely vigilant about your resources given the above point
- Also track and not overcap on SKB / hardcast SKB / consider the implications of SKB on all the above proc decisionmaking
Vs Sunfury where you have to:
- Do your Combustion thing
- Spam pyro if you get your one proc
- That’s literally it (nuances aside)
Don’t get me wrong an incredibly simple build is nice, but it feels like aiming to keep them close in output should also involve evening the two out a bit in terms of difficulty…
Frostfire is too difficult, and most fire mages I see can’t even play it correctly. They just play it because it’s the meta hero talent. Sunfury is far more enjoyable.
I wouldn’t say we need a rework per se - just that
- Arcane builds were ostensibly fun in the beta and there’s been no listening to the community as to what is satisfying vs. buffing random stuff and adding procs to upend the rotation every few weeks as opposed to just tuning numbers
- Frost similarly suffers from strange priority lists (why would you ever introduce a talent to spam your filler at the expense of the entire spec?) and random procs out the wazoo
- Fire is arguably fine with Sunfury but I find it hard not to claim that it might be the easiest spec in the game. There’s virtually zero depth beyond Combusting on cooldown and making sure you hit shifting power. You can’t even talent into skill expression because everything is passive. (It’s been a year now, can we stop trying to make Lit Fuse happen?) Hyperthermia procs are hardly active. Spam your three buttons, spam your one button, but spam a different one in execute…I dunno, it’s just begging for a touch of nuance. In my ideal world there’s an extra talent that’s a combo of spymasters/denathrius trinket where you can decide when to blast something. I dunno, bring back Cinderstorm for all I care, something
I’m likely going to shelf my mage once I finish my legion artifact appearances tied to the mage tower. Might still dink around on it, but am strongly considering Evoker or Druid just so I can do more things. They haven’t kept the parts of the class I enjoy and it might be a time saver being able to do more than just 1 role with 3 different flavors.
I may not play wow any more after I finish getting the MT variants for all 3 classes I beat it on. Most of my gaming time these days is focused on guild wars 2 because my progress in that game is far more permanent and account wide (also, individual activies normally don’t take as long. Some metas are bad but most activities don’t take more than 1 hour at a time). I’m closing in on legendary armor for all 3 armor types + full legendary accessories which basically means I’ll be able to pull any build on any class out of my butt except weapons (and I have quite a few legendary weapons as well, all 4 HoT Gen2, 1 Aurene variant, legendary Gen1 spear (which now any class can use), claw of the Khan Ur).
I do plan on coming back for Legion remix at the end of TWW. Legion was an epic experience and it will be fun to relive.
You can’t get the artifact appearances from the mage tower anymore…
You can if you have that base spec appearance unlocked from back in Legion. For example many people have been unlocking the skin that requires 10 Rated BG wins because we have Solo Queue Rated BG now.
loving warriors, I came to this expansion late. Fury warrior for me at least has felt the most fun out of what I’ve played class wise so far. I benched my hunter though, I do not know what they are doing to that class as of right now.
Was my og main in BC. I keep him lvld and play him once in a while but sadly not my go to in a long time. I cant really stick to warrior some reason.
Maybe its because everything else has flashy spells and I just like visuals.
Not to derail the subject here, but I find myself constantly struggling with burnout in WoW for this exact reason. WoW somehow both is full FOMO yet gear gets downgraded so quickly. It’s the worst of both worlds.
Most of the games that I play don’t give rewards. They are just fun. But I find myself having to log into WoW when I don’t want to, because some reward is expiring. Very often I feel like I’m doing homework, not having fun while logging in. It leads me to feeling burnt out.
Other games I play are like old friends that welcome me back. With WoW it feels more like an employer requiring me to clock in or I will never be able to get some mage tower appearance or something similar. WoW feels like a bad habit that I will quit one day, sometimes because of this exact FOMO/gear expiring cycle.
I feel this 100%, both the coziness in other games and the “WoW is a bad habit I’ll kick, SOMEDAY” feeling. Even though GW2/Anet had completely reworked mesmer, I was able to get right back into playing the game effectively because none of my gear had degraded in value while I was playing WoW. It was very cozy and helped me appreciate it more. WoW has an identity crisis. MMOs are supposed to be about slow, permanent progress, but so much of the end game revolves around gearing, which is literally the least permanent thing in the game. There’s mounts, pets and toys, but there’s so many now, it doesn’t feel rewarding to earn YET ANOTHER one.
And every time I come back to WoW, I find myself playing more than I intended and feeling more exhausted than other games. I don’t have solutions for the dev team because it would require a lot of trial and error for them to figure out new progression patterns and reworking the end game.
Yep. This. It’s also really annoying you have to unlock the new appearances on the character that did the initial unlock. So I can’t ever delete my Paladin, Mage or Death Knight without losing access to the ability to unlock them. I also feel guilty whenever I try to play a different race/faction than those characters as a result, because I keep telling myself I should be playing those so I can finish this out.
Esp. since they deleted my perma pet, my mage does not feel +nice and cozy+ anymore.
Now he is just another caster with boring old stuff like SL talents and +again+ best spec is with that awful glacial…which i do not spec.
Give us our pet back Blizzard
mages feels pretty good rn tbh. Im enjoying the damage profile as frost and the rotation is fairly straight forward. the only thing I wish they would do is fix the massive secondary stat profiles of frost and arcane vs fire. Frost and arcane have fairly similar secondary distributions, where as fire has like 99% of your stats going into haste. So if you want to multi spec, you have to have a ton of extra gear.
I have not understood at all the reasoning behind the direction they took fire post BfA. Like they had the spec in a good spot in Ny’alotha and then they just abandoned it for something less fun. And what’s worse is that they continue to take the spec in that same unfun direction.
The Combustion windows in AEP and Ny’alotha were amazing and fun. They should have built off that design. Instead they decided to axe it and now we have the current iteration.
BfA was the first expansion I played since playing mage from Vanilla - WotLK and I pretty much abandoned the class once I saw the direction they were taking it in SL. I decided to continue that abandonment in TWW when I saw that Frostfire was a hero talent tree. You can shine up the turdiest spells that ever turded (Fireball and Frostbolt), but in the end they are still turds and still unexciting spells to cast. I would say they are even painful to cast.
I messed around with Sunfury a bit the past couple of weeks. Not as bad as I imagined it would be, but not exciting either. I will be sticking with my WW which I can count on Blizzard not changing because they forget it exists.