Anyone else think the new "character selection" screen is disorganized/ugly?

Just include “realm” as part of the new Search Bar’s filtering system (it goes by class, names, professions, etc, already just missing “realm”), and we’ll be golden.

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:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

probably the worst ui design i’ve seen in a game in the last 10 years.


Whoever tested this must have used only 2 or 3 toons.
If you want to continue to make wow into diablo at least copy thing the way they work.


Make the character select screen show more characters, allow to filter by alphabetical order of names, class, servers.

That’s it, fixed.


Just allow us to filter by realms, ta da.

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Nope, I sorted mines out and I am good to go.

its ugly and takes over the screen. The top menu is sleek and elegant design but you get this massive disconnected disjointed box on the side that looks like something from 20 years ago. Should have taken the time to make the list more like that top menu with a nice design, slimmer lines and much less obtrusive.

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Honestly? I had characters across multiple realms explicitly to not have one huge list… They should at least group them (my characters) all under realm headers that I can minimize


This should be on the top and in big bright letters! Sums it up perfectly.

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I like the new screen. My only complaint so far is that my DH wears his warglaives on his waist instead of on his back.

Personally, I like it.

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I like picking favourites for the little campfire scene but with the ability now to arrange characters in groups, they should let people make and title their own additional groups too if they want (i.e. PVP, farmers 1, farmers 2, horde, RP etc.).

Also, for people with more then 5 or 6 characters (which is most people I think), the character list should have been organized into small little raid frame type buttons and organized by server instead of a single column of big ol’ blobby frames.

The modern graphic design style of having everything in an oversized bubble is not going to age well and just cannot be blindly applied to everything. :upside_down_face:


Entire prepatch seems to be aimed at fixing things that weren’t a problem and breaking half the game in the process lol.


I don’t mind it. Pick the 4 I want to use and then collapse the menu on the right side. Then it’s like a little diorama. I can’t wait till we can make our warbands battle it out.

I like these ideas and I think the oversized bubble would age well if the option to customize it was there. If we could customize the warband screen and it was separate from the realm screen people would have less issues. Even if there was a little character portrait, like the forums, next to names would help.

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Well so long as you, with hardly any characters, is happy, we should all be happy. /s

I never said that we should all be happy, I said that I was happy with it.

you seem like the type that’s happy with anything blizzard does

I’m not particularly happy with the tank changes coming up, but I’ll make the best of it. Life is about compromise.

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