Anyone else think the new "character selection" screen is disorganized/ugly?

There’s a way to avoid the Warband screen, yes - by simply not adding anyone to your favourites. But that hardly takes care of any of the other numerous issues listed here (which you definitely can’t just “turn off”).

OK so like a lot of post i have read , the new all your toons in the login screen is not fun at all, and like a few i have read, i am the same i have 45 toons 15 each on three realms a lot have the same name and gets confusing , though solution i came up with, is delete all the alts i have leaving one toon, then start again and rename them for example Arcarea52 and so on for each spec so that way i know what realm they are on lol ok not the best idea, i hate it , i like to login and see only those toons i have on that realm and not all of them, sighs :frowning:

Current system is much better. Now i don’t need to search eaxh realm separatley.

Nah, it’s worse

I suppose it depends on your individual preferences too. For me? I like everything to “just work” and be neatly organized so I know where everything is …such as the way the character select menu was pre-prepatch

Bottom line is the new 11.0 prepatch character menu is messy and disorganized


uh… yea, I’m not deleting my alts.


Who thought this was a great idea to punish everyone with multiple alts? Why stop with this list? Cram all toons into one tiny area and the lucky click of the day will let you play what RNG lets you.

This could be so much better if sort by realm, class, race function? Why can’t we create multiple lists that we can expand and collapse? Why can’t we have multiple camps? Why is this so poorly executed?

Like was this a 20 minute project after yall realized you missed a page in your plan for this expansion?

I do not like this, I play many alts and I’m so overwhelmed I barely log in now. It is the little things, and no I won’t get used to this - why should I have to get used to less?


It is the BlizZArd new way.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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daily reminder for blizzard to fire whoever designed this and whoever okd the design


It is overall a mess. My biggest problem is with character selection. I have to decide how to organize my toons. by server, by class, by faction. I had my toons on different factions on different servers. I leveled a ton of toons during remix and it really is a mess now.

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I gave it a chance, but it’s terrible. A smaller list and font might help, but only slightly. There was nothing wrong with the old one. The game still seems to switch to the appropriate server when choosing a toon, so having them all listed together doesn’t change that or make character switching any faster. I just don’t see the point of it.

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The new screen never seems to load the way the old one did. It’s slow and I preferred the old screen anyways. Don’t know why they keep focusing on the things that don’t even come up as issues.

They need to stop acting like they’re doing something important and creating worthless work for themselves as if it is something major.

Honestly, it just seems like they’re doing things like this like they’re in some polishing phase. And it’s polishing a turd with another turd.


I hate it. It needs to go back to how it used to be. We don’t need a stupid camp site screen…


For real, the old one was nice and clean/neat with a “full size” model of your highlighted character right there smack in the middle of the screen

The new one is some sort of “gathered around the camp fire” thing that no one asked for

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Just give us the option to have collapsable folders on the selection screen, the way the favorites section works. Just add in a folder for like “Inactive” that we can fill with toons and collapse to hide it. I wouldn’t even care if the folder was stuck at the top under favorites, if it meant that I wouldn’t need to scroll thru the 60+ toons to find the one I need.