Anyone else think the new "character selection" screen is disorganized/ugly?

It looks like a Diablo 2 character creation screen rip off so I like it.

On the upside, if this change affects how many people pay for character services (vs. just getting frustrated trying to figure out how it works and giving up), that’s what will drive improvements to the entire interface. You know they’ll fix that type of thing double quick, which will at least fix some of the other things as well.


Yeah, I actually just couldn’t stand looking at the weapons that were sheathed yet the character was positioned as if they were not, or they were seated and holding the weapons which just creates terrible clipping issues. That sort of thing just screams “unfinished” or “not well done” to me, and I can’t just ignore it.

I dragged all the “favorites” out, and now I don’t have to see the eyesore (though it’s also irritating that the “favorites” list won’t stay minimized now; it always opens back up upon logging out of a character or restarting the game, and it’s just empty space up there in the way).

It would have been better if the characters were all just standing around like they have been for years than what’s there now.

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Yeah its weird you can swap servers just to be presented with your entire account list of characters hehe

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Its really bugging me on the character select screen how my 4th warband toon isnt even aligned, i get the whole list of characters i have literally blocking him out the frame

Gear Update:

Similarly, this feature does not function unless you manually go in and change your realm to match the character you want to use the feature on, despite the character being listed right in front of you with a big colored “GEAR UPDATE” flag on it.

I tried to use the gear update feature. I DID switch to Area-52 in the Realms tab prior to logging in. I didn’t get the “you must switch to the realm your character is on” error message. I didn’t get any gear (in bags or mail), nor did anything else that is supposed to happen with the gear update take place (quest log, port to capital, etc)

I really like the idea of having them per realm with the collapsible option. For now, I’ve dragged them into the order I want, but it’s annoying. It’s very long and clunky to scroll through.


It’s awful! Put it back the way it was!


They have the top group called “Favorites”. Even if they don’t let is group by realm, I really think they should allow us to make our own tabs/groups and name them accordingly. I can name one group Moon Guard and put my characters there, or I can name one Farmers and put my characters used for collecting. I don’t know. I like options and right now, the selection screen makes me feel scattered.


Should allow custom tabs


You have too much faith in this company.
They’ll see a downturn in the number of people using the service and jack the prices up to compensate and keep revenue the same.

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I love the camping scean. The sidebar is a bit difficult with many characters however. Some sort of sorting will be needed. A simple sort by level, item level, class, allegiance (Horde/Allience), Species (gnomes & mechagnomes is the same species). The species instead of race is because the game is bloated with too many races from a logistical standpoint.

We can sort the chars, just click on them and move them to where you want in the list. Yes, you must do it yourself, but you can sort your toons as you please. But you must log into the game, to save it, else it just reverts I believe.

But ya, it would be nice if we could adjust the size of the frame, the fonts and so on.


When you click on “Realms” at the top, it shows you your realms and how many characters, but when you click on one, it just brings you right back to the new character screen, so it’s useless. I have 60 characters across 8 realms, but they’re mixed up for the most part. And you can’t “search” by realm/server. Very annoying. Why just shove every character on every server/realm into one list and all jumbled around? That seems rather ridiculous. A simple button like the “Favorites” button for “Realms” to sort them by realms would be a wonderful thing. Right now, it’s very discouraging to try and find and play your alts on more than one server.


Nah, I’m ok with the organization. I have a lot of alts, so I moved them to their server selection, first. On my allies, I have them grouped with their class, and the ones I don’t use as much are on the bottom of the list.


PS/edit: Also, the realms can still be selected, if you want to go that route, to pick characters from there.

The character selection screen has gone from neatly organized and sized in a way that allowed for a nice amount of characters (10) to be visible at once, transparent BG, list nicely on the side, showed realm/name/class/location, emphasis of the selected character on the screen…to one where there’s some big brown bulky extremely large font and little info actually listed for the space it takes up. Warbank knocks the characters visible to Four, minimizing the warband section only increases the character count by an additional 1…for a total of 5 characters names and very little else taking up a big chunk of the screen.
4-5 visible character names, in bulk brown boxes,

TBH, the brown and bulk makes me feel like I am staring at the cigarette drawer at work…just brown boxes and more brown boxes. I feel like its designed by someone with visual impairment.

If you have to actually go to the realm a character is on to do certain things with them, than what is the point of having them all in one MASSIVE list (which you can only see a handful at a time)?
Just put them back on their own realm lists.

I just cannot fathom why this particular change was done, it makes things extremely difficult to organize and is very visually ugly.

I hope they give us the option to decrease the bulky size of the character names/character selection list so we can actually see more of our character lists to pick from.

  • Retro character selection screen?
  • Bring back the character portraits
  • have them organized by realm (drop down menu?)
  • get rid of the brown, let them show class colors
  • make the brown/BG color of the character selections MUCH more transparent.
    (cool campfire BG, to bad 25% of my screen is just a blocky brown box with LARGE FONT CHARACTER NAMES)
  • Decrease the width of the character selection pop-up style box…unless its suppose to look like a third party pop up add?
  • The whole design just looks like something you’d find in an elementary school kids game, Simple colors/big blocky boxes/ huge font for learning to read, not something one would expect to find in a game rated for Teens and up.

I find the character selection list to now be visually unappealing and the font size to be a mix of Toddler book bulky meets large font/visually impaired section of a book store.


This is game breaking for me. Why do this?


Once they get rid of the Upgrade button, it’ll be fine.

You can get in on the class action over this.

It would be nice if it had tabs. One tab for the warband, and then tabs for each realm.

It get confusing in a hurry when you have characters with the same name on different realms.