Anyone else sick of "Tyrande is Evil!" threads/comments?

Whats this! Your sick of a character with strong development being turned into a villainous/vengful role?!?

I wonder (garrosh) what that (sylvans) is like?

Welcome to the horde story telling youve been waiting for. Hope tyrande goes and burns down thunderbluff so i can jump up on that high horse the alliance has been sitting on for like 5 expansions now.


Exactly, people just don’t want to accept an Alliance character is finally the villain.

Oh nevermind.

I’ve been looking forward to murdering Tyrande since WC3. Still my least favorite chara from that game

But you can tell Blizz is gonna make her step over the line.

The irony is the Slyvanas fanboys crying their “Queen” wasn’t evil and we were just hating on her, then turn right around and claim Tyrande is evil for wanting justice against the Banshee.

Kinda like how Jaina was called a Dreadlord since Theramore… Because if Alliance wants revenge, apparently they must be evil.


I don’t think anybody actually believes she is in the wrong. People just assume Blizzard is about to butcher her character because, well, butchering characters is what Blizzard does.


This. It’s not that she is evil or selfish, it’s that Blizzard are going to portray her as those things even though she isn’t. She either dies a villain or live long enough to get “redemption from her evil thoughts of vengeance.”


She is evil now :grin:

She and Genn don’t want the war to stop. There is your choice happening. Tyrande is evil now.

You have to ask is getting revenge evil? It is if you do the same evil acts. Killing is still evil. You can ask if our characters are evil for killing all the animals and people for 10 gold too. Do we put them in prison? No. No one is entirely good. Even anduin isnt clean. He is the king. He holds responsibility over all the alliance. He let Genn provoke Slyvanas during a truce. A secret war during Legion. That went unpunished. Now Tyrande is doing something that puts peace aside.

Revenge is evil. See: Jaina, Rogers, Genn, Tyrande- the only way to be redeemed at that point is to welcome the light of Wrynn into their heart.

Wow, a solid and rational take devoid of tribalism from a red background?

Jesus. Unicorns and magic might be real.


I seriously cant take anymore of these classic characters gone evil crap i swear if they turn her into other we promise its not Garosh 3.0 etc etc…

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That’s NOT what they said. They don’t want to sign an unconditional armistice with a political entity that has shown the inability to not revert to committing atrocities.

We don’t know what their solution would be because they haven’t given one, but there are several possibilities that don’t involve fighting the Horde until they’re all dead:

  • Politically and militarily dismantling the Horde and occupying its territories.
  • Internment or concentration camps (a la after the Second War) until complacent individuals can be integrated into Alliance society.
  • Deporting the orcs and Forsaken via the Dark Portal. Alternatively, using Draenei space ship technology to send them to Argus.

Anduin’s concerns about creating resentment leading to future war are not unwarranted, but Tyrande and Grenn are not wrong about what will happen if the Horde is allowed to continue. History has borne that out repeatedly.

Yes, the above solutions could involve more fighting to employ, but the incoming Horde leaders appear to be willing to make peace at any cost. Before Saurfang exposed Sylvanas, they were in fact prepared to march on Ogrimmar with the Alliance military and kill as many of their own people as necessary – tens of thousands of them even – to force peace.

Nothing in the current characterization of Baine, Thrall, or Calia suggests that they would stand up to the Alliance if they imposed any kind of conditions on the Horde. Lor’themar would presumably agree to anything short of the Blood Elves giving up the Sunwell.

EDIT: The Alliance should not miss the opportunity to take advantage of a pro-Alliance Horde leadership.

Germany was politically dismantled, split into two, and occupied for a decade after World War II in part because it couldn’t be trusted to not remilitarize. German leaders were arrested, tried for war crimes, and executed. Japan was occupied, had a democratic government forced on it by American high command, and was forbidden from having a military force capable of waging war (the famous Article 9 of the post-war constitution).

These were not merciful responses, and they had some extremely negative impacts on the self-image of those countries (but also some economic ones in the case of West Germany and Japan that were extremely positive), but they were practical responses in light of the death and destruction Germany and Japan instigated. Being practical doesn’t make those responses evil.

She might not be evil yet but the story is suggesting that she’s heading that way. I say it’s about time the Alliance leaders get some of that crap they dish out to stick to the point that alliance players are unable to try justifying it.
You can’t complain about how the alliance story gets ignored.


I want an alliance character to be evil, I want to side with them as well like you could side with sylvanas. That would be cool i’m kinda tired fo alliance always being reactive I want to be the bad guy on my alliance characters for once.

That being said I am not sure if tyrande will go evil or not, I don’t really think wanting to take down the person who killed so many of your kind is evil though.

I think you meant this writing team on crack.

I disagree I think she is evil and selfish.

Probably her fault the tree got burned down cuz sylvanys knew she would be a big baby about it and it would fragment the allinace.

4d chess confirmed?

What is practical for a murder is not for a innocent civilian. Much less a zombie queen, or dark moon avatar of vengeance. Anyway everyone is evil to someone.

That is the direction they are going with her?

I tend to agree with you that she isn’t evil per se, although orc head soup was a little dark.

Play void elves. They have done a bunch of evil stuff lately. Summoning void portals to kill goblins, using the void to corrupt dinosaurs to kill Zandalari etc.