Just report those dual spec threads for the spam they are, and move on.
Didn’t you need to be in a major city to swap specs back in the day? I think that’d put a damper on most raids, and would be discouraged in general.
People were sick of us asking for Classic on the forums, too.
What kind of stupid argument is this? I want to stick to holy forever but questing is unbearable. Why do I have to suffer doing daily activities such as quests when I’m playing one of the roles that NEEDS people playing it? At least tanks are able to mass pull a bunch of mobs. I’m literally killing one mob and then drinking while you guys get to shoot the breeze in your dps specs.
I mean it’s not a coincidence most of the people opposed to dual spec wouldn’t have any use for it anyways.
Dual Spec threads are more popular than any and every front thread.
I can think of an RPG that has dual spec.
Also; RPGs like Skyrim allow you to eventually get EVERYTHING. Not to mention, that because a genre doesn’t typically do something doesn’t mean someone can go out of their way and innovate the style.
Turn based RPGs? Heck, lets make it real time. real time? Lets make it MMO. MMO? Heck lets slow it down and focus on single player story.
You’re insane to think dual spec is a cancer which will spread throughout wow and cause its downfall.
If I could without traveling to and from a trainer every time I needed to swap between healing and dps, would that not just increase my QoL? Spend less time not playing the game and watching a FP and actually playing?
Please do not get into game dev
My resto shaman has no problems farming and doing quests. Blizz put spell damage on your gear for a reason.
yeah cool post that on your warlock that can pick up the farming for the slack on your resto shammy lmao
it’s a fact that healers do world activities much slower than dps/tanks. you may have no problem doing quests but obviously you’re not going to do it as efficiently. again, why do healers have to lack the perks of getting things done quickly just because they enjoy their role as a healer? a role that may lack players needless to say
From you. People are sick of hearing from you.
You know you can also group up with dps to do quests too right?
Oh so an extra hurdle dps don’t have to jump through, oh and for many quests is actually undesirable.
Why are you killing the game?
Correct. A lot of bad classic players are terrified that they wont be able to find groups if DS is in the game.
My Holy Paladin isn’t very good at soloing. The +SP from Int is nice, but you’re still sitting in melee autoing things.
Then why do you need dual spec if questing is undesireable?
Well that’s not what I said now is it.
Kinda looks like it.
Except it’s not, if DPS had as much incentive to group up as a tank/healer did that would be a valid response, but they don’t and often times grouping is actually worse. A point you apparently didn’t understand.