Anyone else sick of the constant pushing for Retail features like Duel Spec?

Its hard to understand your points when you change them with every post.


For sure!

But you see, when you pass in front of some trailer park with garbage littered everywhere (pro dual spec threads begging), it’s not just about reporting it to the authorities, you just want to see what sort of bottom feeding animal managed to accumulate such garbage for so long, and possibly laugh at them for being useless to society and being incapable to function properly like most human beings.

That’s a strawman.

I know you’re a troll, but that is clearly not a strawman.

I think so after seeing all these topics started are just moreso as whines than anything else: Profile - Lemonfont-faerlina - World of Warcraft Forums (

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give dual spec now

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Dual spec was amazing when it hit. I got to have PvE and PvP ret specs. Then I had a prot/ret spec later on. My DK had a tank/DPS spec happening, too.

The only bad thing about dual spec is that it didn’t come earlier.


I liked dual spec in wotlk too but it just doesn’t belong in tbc.

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Why not? All the reasons it was added exist in TBC, which is of course why the decision to add it was made in TBC.

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I’ve already been over it with you. Not gonna waste any more time trying.

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No dual spec is out of place and weird in TBC, please do the most benevolent enlightened thing for us blizz and cap the respec cost to 15g or 25g max, please. This cap makes things a lot more tolerable for classes like rogues who’s pvp spec feels so neutered in pve content. It’s honestly really silly to want to hard-limit people to certain specs for a long time, I’d like to explore all the other talent trees without wasting tons of gold.

All of your top threads is you whining about something. Why are you a hypocrite?

It’s funny because the anti dual spec crowd are the dumbest group of posters on this forum. You’re just the new iteration of the #NOCHANGES idiots that ruined classic.

Did you guys enjoy your super authentic classic experience that #nochanges brought on? I totally remember mages just boosting everyone to max and the entire world outside of endgame being dead in classic!

Lemonfont is a troll.


That’s called player choice, you CHOSE to go healing, you should know you’re not going to put out as strong DPS as other classes. You get to have easy access to dungeons/group content as a healer on the bright side.

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And a lot of people decide it’s not worth it. That’s one reason there’s a shortage of tanks and healers. I looked at that trade off and chose to spec dps on my druid because questing in a resto spec is too painful. When dual spec was added in wrath I made a resto spec and healed dungeons.

i don’t think that’s the whole picture, as theres a healer shortage at 70 dungeons (heroics) where in questing is no longer a thing.

Of course it’s not the whole picture but it’s one factor. Lots of people save as many quests as possible until they’re 70 to make gold off them and there’s farming too.

jeez you spam post so much

All my posts are spaced plenty apart.