Dual spec would be a great QoL change for TBC.
It should have been in classic - make it cost 500g whatever, not 5000 like some wingnuts have suggested, something realistic, every player can achieve.
Being able to level/quest/farm as a dps spec and then finally get a group ready to raid or dungeon? Just swap to heals. No need to travel to a city pay 50g and change it.
Stop being a baby, you would use it and you would enjoy having it. Stay in TBC when wotlk comes out.
Dual spec is a WoTLK thing and seeing as how WoTLK was more successful than any expansion before or after, there is a 100% chance it is coming out in WoTLK classic.
Here’s how an optimal spec flipflop would work in TK as warlock:
Swtich to shadow spec for pre-alar trash. Switch to fire for alar bird trash packs (single target = fire is better, aoe = shadow) Flip to Shadow Spec for Alar. Change to Fire for single target trash fights. Switch back to shadow for AOE packs. Switch to fire for voidreaver. Change to shadow for solarian. Switch back to fire for KT. And on and on it goes.
This is just an example of how the most optimal speccing would work for ONE of the classes. I shudder to think the amount of min max efforts and swaps for the rest of the classes combined.
You are actually right. People dont understand that the raids will lose core elements with dualspec added. If I have 3 tanks and 1 is a feral druid but the maintank isnt then the feral would do catform dmg in tank spec + tank gear incase maintank dies… that would be no given with dualspec he would just spec to true kitty while having another offtank (out of 3 originally)
Considering the tens of thousands of pathetic, useless drivel that have been posted by the pro dual spec losers (all 10 of them and their alts) vs the rather timid amount of threads made by anti dual spec players, I would say it is fair to say that one side has indeed a lot of pathetic, jobless hicks with more time on their hands than they need… You just happened to wrongly guess which side that is.
LOL. Jesus, the amount of BS that goes on with people trying to justify no dual spec is honestly laughable. Your entire argument becomes null and void in Wrath - and people had a better time raiding in wrath than most of BC - yet there was dual spec. According to your logic the raids lost all core elements with dual spec. Yet…
The only people against dual spec are the ones who spend way too much time on WoW and need to get some sunlight. Don’t believe me? How is it you think adding a QoL change to a game that gets it in the next expansion, ruins the current expansion? You pay 1k gold for the chance to respec between two main specs instead of having to hassle and run back to a major city everytime you want to respec. I guess dual spec completely ruined Wrath which is why its regarded as the high point of WoW. Most of your guys arguments make absolutely no sense. All you’re saying is “I don’t want it and it wasn’t in the game so you aren’t getting it” do you know how many things weren’t in original TBC and yet here we are? Doesn’t matter though, I personally will be spamming the forums with dual spec once it comes out in Wrath to make all the “anti dual speccers” get nice and angry
I thought feral dps and feral tank spec were basically the same. In my groups, the feral tank swaps to dps gear and does great damage when we only need 1 tank.
Maybe feral vs restoration would have been a better example.
How would creating an OPTION to quickly change between 2 dedicated specs ruin the raiding scene?
Whats the actual argument?
Hardcore raid lead is going to force you to swap specs every fight? This can already happen without dual spec and it’s a huge hassle that has 24 people waiting for one to swap.
The content will be too easy if we can swap between two specs? The content is 15 years old and is cleared within hours of release.
Only the most hardcore groups would require people to have two optimized raid specs (maybe an aoe spec vs a single target spec). Most people would use dual spec to save a pvp spec and a pve one.
You’re right about 1 thing: the “something” in question we’re annoyed by is indeed petty and pathetic. You’d be the best judge about that. Probably the only time in your life you’ll be right about something.