Anyone else repudiate M+?

Yeah I hate mythic plus. I dislike running dungeons in general but man M+ is awful(imo, of course). I hate speed running and I HATE timers. They’re good for BGs but idk I really hate them being on dungeons. Really bad for my social anxiety lol


its toxic. plain and simple. unless you are in a chill guild it is no doubt the most toxic feature ever added to wow. back in the days of old with badge of justice and emblems people were happy and just farmed and had fun. once you got your required amount of badges or emblems you go to the vendor and buy the item YOU wanted. no rng. now with mythic+ everything is a race. there are timers and crazy people going nuts.

mythic+ should just be for tournaments and not everyday gameplay.


M+ is awesome. The community in M+ is awful and the SL dungeon set is horrid. I do just enough for KSM and call it a day until they make dungeons worth running again.

While your opinion is fine and all, I can’t see how raiding is any better. I find raids to be so boring and truthfully the last bastion where bad players hang out and try to hide in the giant rosters.

The biggest issue is how the entire design is done to emphasize the worst, most hated aspects of dungeons. “gogogo” was terrible but it was fun in wrath because the dungeons were generally short and you could blow through them.

The m+ design is obnoxious but still wanting you to rush while simultaneously making it dangerous to rush. I guess it’s supposed to be a risk/reward thing but it encourages scummy behavior more than ever before.

Then you add on top of that the penalty for not timing and the focus on the timer, and it’s even worse because timed content sucks unless it’s something well done like say the zul’aman bear run.

And THEN because “success” is so paramount and tied to the time you have crap like meta or bust mindset and “required” add-ons that you need to sit down and plan the exact route before you enter, routes that often involve nonsense like skipping packs by skirting a wall or requiring specific things (eg. Invis pots) which feels even more degenerative as it’s clearly gaming the dungeon. That’s not even considering the attitude people have in it more where you demand perfect play or else.

They should have stayed challenge mode. 100% optional and not tied to progression, only for people who want to show off. As a main system it’s done more to ruin the community than anything else in the game.

If LFG killed the community due to cross realm, m+ dug it up, pissed on the corpse and scattered the ashes


M+ is fun. The old systems where dungeons were challenging or the gear from them was useful for a couple weeks tops was boring.

Running dungeons the entire expansion when I could more or less solo them from the first patch was boring.

CM’s were fun, but they lacked replayability if you weren’t aiming for the realm firsts or selling carries. Especially WoD CM’s, since you could at least collect multiple sets in MOP.


Pvp gear in pvp is better anyways

Not if I can get around 30%ish vers and 272 ilvl. If I were to go with unranked conq. gear I would be forever stuck at 262 in pvp and about the same vers.

I’ll still use the pvp trinkets for the set bonus ofc and I realize I could just do a few ranked matches and upgrade pvp gear but I hate the rank required upgrade system more than m+ so…yea here we are

You’re not in the minority. I think if they take m+ out of wow now, it is a huge hit to the game. It’s about the only thing now that wow does that other mmm’s don’t do.


So you’re not a true pvper. You just like killing people you outgear. Check.

Nah I don’t want to out gear them, I just don’t want them to significantly out gear me either. I want a roughly even playing field without propping up a system I disagree with.

272ish ilvl will put me right in the middle of pvp ilvls.


The only people who will have higher than Unranked conquest gear is small.

Either way you don’t actually enjoy pvp. You enjoy stomping people.

M+ is a lot of fun imo. But having a group of friends to play with consistently makes it 100s of times better.


I have played the game for the last…what? 10 yeas as an unranked player just doing randoms? The idea that I persue high end gear to stomp people is laughable lol.

If they removed rank requirements tomorrow and / or just made 1 honor set and 1 conq set that was 10-15 ilvls higher u would never see me do any non-queable junk ever again. I just want to go into random bgs and not have some gladiator wombo me for 90% of my hps. He can already likely destroy me anyway, no need for them to have 20+ ilvls on me too


M+ is a clone of GW2 fractal, but missing a lot of the little details that make GW2 fractals work good and less toxic. Fractals is scaling difficulty 5 player dungeons, with rotating modifiers, except they award monetary gain that have their own separate gear progression in the form of a socketable gem type that can be put into normal raid gear that you level up over time. Infusions are also tradable so they are a secondary economic component, you can farm them and craft them to sell. You can’t farm the gear to infuse in fractal, just the infusions that give you the resistances to move up the ladder. People who are signing up for group in GW2 fractals want to be playing fractals, so no one is particularly salty about being there.

Literally how


I don’t think there’s anything more boring in WoW than trash.

And that’s what M+ is: wading through tons and tons of trash. On steroids. The boss fights (if you want to call them that) are only a minor element.

I also don’t like that M+ is largely about how much you can cheat. Pulling mobs through walls, snapping stuff so it teleports to you, etc.

So it’s about cheating, and about how fast you can corral and aoe down trash.

If it’s even possible to come up with a more boring recipe than that, I don’t know what it would be.

But I do it anyway, because you have to.


I don’t see how. I mean, I guess you compete against other groups if you’re one of the high key pushers? But otherwise it’s a mode that absolutely punishes a lack of cooperation.

Also, it’s not like competitive modes are new — what do you call something like the gates of AQ in classic? The race to high warlord? The competitions to be the first to kill a raid boss?

I cannot over-emphasize how ahistorical this idea is. Nobody wants to take hours going through dungeons. PUGs have always favored the quickest and most efficient routes through a dungeon.

Name me an MMO that doesn’t have this same phenomenon of people wanting to clear content quickly.


Aside from LOSing and the little dinosaurs in Atal, I can’t think of any instance where snapping and other common “cheats” are utilized by anyone who’s not running an absurdly high key.

The average pug tank isn’t snapping mobs in most dungeons.

Is it not common to pull mobs through the walls in the Mists maze?