Anyone else repudiate M+?

It seems these days M+ is everything. If you’re not doing M+, you’re wrong.

Soon there’ll be M+ raids, M+ timewalking, and I don’t doubt M+ leveling and questing is around the corner. Maybe even M+ PvP. :disappointed:

I never touched M+ in Legion. Didn’t need to for my goals. I’m mostly a F&F raider. I also enjoy difficult solo content like Mage Tower and Twisted Corridors. Heck, my favorite video game achievement was beating the master sword trial on master mode difficulty playing Breath of the Wild.

But there’s something caustic about M+ that I absolutely loath. And I’m not sure how to pinpoint it. It feels so forced, so artificial, and is enormously aggravating. It’s everything except fun. And now it’s more prevalent than ever.

Am I alone, are there others that just don’t do M+ or hate it as much as I do?


Well the devs wanted an esport they got one let’s see what happens when their demands start asking why there isn’t an audience that’s really large


Don’t do it? The only gear that matters this patch is tier gear and that gear comes almost exclusively from raiding.


M+ can certainly be the most ball-tearing, soul-destroying, dream-crushing experience you will have in WoW.

However, with the right people, it can also be a hell of a lot of fun.

Some people in my main’s guild are happy to try push the high 10’s. Me on the other hand, I’m happy to just run through 12’s because it gives 272 gear in the vault.

All I can suggest is try and find a group of like minded people and…wait, hang on a sec please.

throws a gherkin into the sun

#%!?%# you, Mists.


I dunno. M+ has been my favorite aspect it the game since they introduced it. Sorry you aren’t a fan though.


Indeed M+ is everything.

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You’re taking a group of people with varied interests and goals and putting them all together. It’s normal.

Imagine you head to a paintball course and they just let whoever play. Some people are there just to have fun. Some are there to win and accept nothing less, and take it WAY too seriously. Others are there just to meme and think it’s all a joke and make fun of the people taking it too seriously.

Those same humans are the ones you’re running M+ with. To each group, the other groups are ruining their experience.

The levels of M+ do help to sort them out some, but I think the majority of people fall into a fairly similar range of doing it for fun, KSM, or their weekly vault runs.

Not really a way I can think of to separate people by ambition. At some point you end up with 50 different tiers of content and nobody can find a group for the one they prefer.


It’s just a very convenient end game content. It’s fast, doesn’t require too much knowledge/skill. You can do them whenever you want.

Edit for all the offended people : obviously I’m just talking about getting your 278 or KSM achievement since is what most people cares of.



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I hate M+ (speedrun).


I wouldn’t even be playing wow if m+ didn’t exist.



Without M+ I would have probably quit WoW again. The raids are good, very good in fact, but with all the other problems plaguing the game, I don’t think they’re “good enough” to keep playing if M+ wasn’t there to save the day.


Dosent require much knowledge or skill?


Honestly, it’s my favorite part of the game, but to each their own.





That’s what I’m thinkin.

I don’t mind M+, I just don’t like feeling like it’s the only place I can go to grow my character over time as a casual player.

Wish I had something to get from running LFD instead, or that M0 was in the LFD tool. I feel like spending chunks of game time sitting around and trying to form groups is draconian.


I absolutely despise m+ like most people despise finding half a cockroach in the burger they just swallowed a big bite from, as it is currently implemented anyway.

In my opinion, it fosters the highest level of toxic behavior in the game. And that gogogo rushrushrush mentality it breeds makes me want to beat the crap out of something. I play WoW to relax, not to be rushed like I have to meet a damn quota or something. Hence, I avoid m+ like it’s Ebola, which it is in my mind.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I feel like you made this thread just to use the word repudiate. :thinking:


M+ changed the game for sure. I am glad that people enjoy it from expansion to expansion. It is certainly best with friends. But what it has done to the community overall, especially pugging, has not been positive.