Anyone else repudiate M+?

This is not my main. Ad hominem attacks just make YOU look bad btw.

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So much truth to this post. Also players that want to run 15’s for vault but just aren’t skilled enough to do so

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If they are having a tough time pugging +15s for 278 vault loot they could just pug the mythic raid for vault loot instead.

If you want to slog through the gearing grind from beginning to end, as if there were no catch up gear, raid Castle Nathria, then SoD, etc. there’s nothing stopping you.

I think they could make it so you need to do higher keys to get 278 in your weekly vault, but if they did that I think they’d need to allow M+ gear to be upgraded to 278 at a similarly high M+ level.

I don’t think M+ should take a back seat to raiding, or the other way around. They should be equal pillars of PvE end game.

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That was not an ad hominem attack, at all. Please read up on what ad hominem means before you use it.

Also, I have no way of knowing that it’s not your main. What sort of raids do you do?

It’s like saying that you’re bewildered that people don’t like chocolate cake, even if to you that chocolate cake is the best flavor. I don’t like chocolate cake, as I’m more of a Funfetti or French Vanilla lover. Chocolate is too rich for my taste, and would happily offer it to someone else.

Don’t know how else to say it, but not everyone likes M+, and especially it being on the forefront. Taste matters.

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The group of people who need 278 loot from M+ does not overlap with the group of people who struggle to get it.

If you are having trouble getting into and completing 15s, do lower keys, you’ll still get 272 gear in your vault from doing 12s, and then when your ilvl improves, assuming your skill stays the same, you’ll still be able to complete 15s down the road and get 278.

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I think it would be great if they tried to more equalize the difficulty and the rewards. And remove the great vault entirely.

Let dungeon drops and valor be how mythic+ gearing works. 278 valor upgrades should be for all +20ish. Even allow maybe 4 slots to go to 285 for doing all 26s or something.

Then without the great vault, I think they can remove the dungeon from the key. Just make the Key a +x and let players use it in any dungeon. Needing specific drops and score will provide the incentive to do different dungeons not the RNG of a key.

I was more pointing out there are other options for 278 gear if +15s are too hard. Can always pug 2-5 mythic raid bosses.

(This is a comment about how much easier mythic+ is for the vault rewards compared do the raid equivalent).

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And another ad hominem attack. Congratulations, you’ve earned a spot on my ignore list.

I understood that you were saying M+ is much easier to pug, and it is. However, a lot of the difficulty of Mythic raiding comes from tuning (It’s always much harder at the start, even ignoring gear. Every raid gets heavily nerfed over and over throughout the season) and from needing 20+ people to be doing their jobs well, whereas you only need 5 for M+. I will agree, though, than 15s are not nearly as hard as Mythic raids, particularly at the start of a season (especially since you don’t need to learn new fights since the dungeons are the same).

I loved your suggestions in your previous post, and would like to see if a system like that would work.

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With all the less than ideal changes they’ve made to raiding over the years like screwing with sizes, no ML, no acknowledgement that a GL or RL are basically working a full time job, etc, etc… Mythic Plus is the only saving grace this game has for actual gamers, imho.

Again, that’s not what ad hominem is…

Hate it.

Yes, I am casual. I want a run at my pace, looking around, not getting lost, assessing fights, taking breaks. Hurry just makes me anxious, confused, and less effective.


You realize that exists, right? You can do that right now (well, not right now since the servers are down, but ya…).

That also another reason I rather raid. Me bad.

Though I do hate the elite trash mobs. But that in both M+ and raiding.

15’s are maybe on par with Normal raids this tier - although the later Normal bosses are still far harder than 15’s.

And, of course, 15’s randomly get easier from week to week during “push weeks”.

Imagine if raid bosses randomly got easier on some weeks vs. others.

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In M+? Pushing keys for gear? No, I can’t.

Normal raids are comically easy compared even to 15s. I’d agree they’re closer to heroic, though. Really, it’s hard to compare, because they present different challenges to different groups.