Anyone else repudiate M+?

Oh, no, you might have to earn rewards, the horror!

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Because it’s an RPG and steady character progression over time is what a lot of us play for. I’m not someone who wants to be handed gear, I just want to be able to work toward growth goals that feel reasonable for the time investment.

I say this in a lot of different discussions, but this used to exist with leveling until they kept pruning that experience to streamline everyone to end game without having to think much about the journey there.

So folks like me, who used to heavily enjoy the feeling of growing a character through leveling, no longer have that experience to fall back to once we catch up with story content. Leveling is no longer an adventure, not with how it currently exists.

This was acceptable when I had things like AP to grow and features like war/titanforging (which sucked when compared to badges) but now I don’t have any of that. No feeling of growth through leveling, very limited growth in the world at end-game, and no casual queue-based systems to benefit from.

One thing that tickles me about this response is how things changed on the other end of this. Character growth could feel so much better in the world if they didn’t have things like that 226 ilvl catch-up gear from the anima vendor. If they made everyone go through older content to grow to meet the newer content. But we can’t have an experience like that, either, because you will all throw a fit if you can’t hit the level cap and immediately jump into M+.

These “work for your gear” barkers and quality-of-reward gatekeepers sure get upset if they have to work for their gear before they can run M+ or raid at a semi-competitive level. lol

So, anyway, if my features have to suffer so that you can swiftly enjoy yours, then the least they can do is provide a better path of growth through what I have left, right?


This isn’t the Reddit for stamp collectors. This is general discussion about WoW, and this topic is specifically for people that don’t do M+ to discuss why they don’t do it. Right now you are doing exactly what you said you don’t do.

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Nah. It’s simpler than that.

It’s important because Ion and his pals like this sort of content, and the e-sport agenda they’ve been pushing. People do it because if they want the gear, they are funneled into it, not because it is inherently “important”.

Sorry you got suckered into believing it was more than what it is.

The complaint about having to spend a lot of time before jumping into end-game content is not due to not wanting to have to work and grow a character to do it, but rather to have to do it AGAIN for an alt…and then AGAIN for another alt…and then A G A I N for another alt, etc. I don’t see people really complaining about doing it for the first time.

Or, you know, it’s fun.

Someone else addressed this… Oh yeah, it was you.

So what? If you want that alt so bad, maybe you should have to earn the rewards, right? But it’s only unacceptable to you if the rewards you have to earn come from content you don’t necessarily enjoy.

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Mmm, except you can get it in vault from doing M+ and rated pvp. O yea, you can even craft it eventually. So not 100% true.

Note the word almost.

You’re very alone. Mythic + is the only thing I enjoy about the game


In theory it’s the type of content I should love. I really liked raiding at a decent level up through early WoD, but enjoyed dungeon and small group content much more. I did some high keys in legion as a healer and had a good enough time, both with pugs and guild. I had no bad experiences. However, for some reason I found I just couldn’t engage with the format long term. I’m quite glad it’s still around and I am happy others find it to be appealing. It’s excellent that people stay subbed just to do M+; at this point I just want people keep playing as shadowlands has been… less than expected. I just wish I could get more excited about it for myself. I suppose it is just as well as working night shift limits opportunities for anything other than solo content ,anyway.

Did you really just try to explain to me my own concept of fun? Because m+ is fun as hell for me. You don’t know me, and stop trying to pretend that you do.

Just wait until they do Torghast+

You’re not alone. However, I refuse to hate on M+ because I know it brings a lot of people happiness and satisfaction.

But with that said I do wish there was an alternate, slower and lower stress mechanism in the game for progressing and growing. Something outside of instanced content that brings the community together rather than perform like elitist content which drives us all apart.

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Most mechanics are random and present different situations on how to address them every run, though?

Already there, hence the scoring system they added.

Haven’t set foot in a single M+ and have no intention of ever doing so.

I don’t “hate” it so much as I’m simply not interested in timed dungeons.

I’m a casual anyways, so I have no need for whatever comes out of them.

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If you’ve never even tried it I dunno why you’d be against it.

It’s not ‘timed dungeons’ so much as just being challenging content you can tackle with your friends. If you aren’t undergeared and you don’t die like 10+ times then you won’t even notice the timer until like +15 (and even going over time you still get the same reward so…)

It’s up to you in the end, but not even trying it lends me to think you’re really missing out. Should definitely give it a shot, especially if you have friends to play with, it’s very fun in that atmosphere.

You misunderstand. I’m not “against” it. I’m simply not interested in it personally.

Others are perfectly welcome to do it as much as they like.

Your mileage may vary.

Looking you up on I can see why you have problems getting into 15’s. Simply put your rating reflects the dungeons you’ve run/completed. You have 5 dungeons you haven’t run period. Your rating reflects that and those who have completed ANY key on those you haven’t will have a higher rating that you. Thus they will get invited to key’s over you.

My advice, run 8-10s on everything you haven’t run so far and then just apply to 13-16’s, you will be amazed at how quickly you will get invited.

I personally enjoy M+ But I think there’s a couple of issues.

  1. Keys are not a 100% exact route or science. A lot of pugs go in assuming everyone can read each other’s mind, then when someone deviates a littee from others’ assumption, mudslinging unleashes. Communication is necessary esepcially for key pushing… so if people aren’t going to use voice chat or run with friends, it may be best to type out a rough gameplan before it starts.

  2. I do think vault ilevel is too high for M+ or raid ilevel is too low… one of the two. Look, i do a lot of keys, I benefit from the vault ilevel reward being so high. But there feels like a mismatch somewhere I dunno what the best fix would be, but it does feel off.

At this point i raid for fun - key pushing is fun and for gear.

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