Anyone else repudiate M+?

Raids. Raids are more boring than M+ trash and certainly more boring than PvP.

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I avoid it like the plague on all my toons, only ever going if I mean the difference between the guild having to pug a spot. Between the awful SL dungeons and Boreghast, most have spent the majority of SL doing something they do not enjoy. Some do and that’s fine. The one positive thing I can say about the M+ system is that they are adding more dungeons to the group. The lack of variety we have been having each xpac, I don’t know how people don’t go insane, doing the same small handful of dungeons on super repeat for 2 years. And then look how many guilds only do mythics now and don’t even raid. What is the point of grindin an entire patch of them over and over then? It’s hard for me to figure out what the actual draw to them is, not in terms of enjoyment, but in terms of like it being a lot of peoples endgame.

Without M+ I would of quit a long time ago, don’t have time for raiding much anymore. Challenge Modes in MoP started the trend and I loved the 5 man group content that rewarded awesome gear since, and should be expanded on imo, if they wanted to push it further for solo players that reward mythic+ gear gives, make more mage tower instances or make M+ mage towers lol

I wouldn’t mind trying to start adding levels to current mage towers or new ones for mythic lvl gear. As long as it’s challenging i’m all for it.

Ooh, M+ questing. Yes please!

If all you enjoy is doing M0 or heroic dungeons, or other casual content, why do you need the higher ilvl gear you get from doing higher M+ which you don’t enjoy?

Ironically, Blizzard only started making large dungeons again (8 bosses) once mythic+ came out.

The problem with mythic plus is getting into the group. KSM Season 1, KSM Season 2, still shows season 2 raider io. No invite. The mythic plus community is the single most toxic gatekeeping community i have encountered on any game. The old raid meme of “Link AOTC for a Normal raid invite” has been put on steroids for mythic plus. All i want is my weekly 15 and eventual KSM. But it always takes 3+ hours to get a single invite to a +15 because this community thinks you need 3000 io for a simple weekly vault. I totally understand if you wanna vet people thouroughly for your +17, +20 etc… but weekly 15 is treated like extreme difficulty content and gatekeeped to overtly high raider io scores that simply are not necessary. When I finally got into a 15 Sanguine depths after 3 hours of rejections, we 2 chested it comfortably. People with raider io can see that, but still 99% of the mythic plus community won’t invite you to a 15 Sanguine depths unless you timed a 20. It’s a joke and ultimately the endless rejection leads to people just farming gold, or buying wow tokens, and buying the key carry. The community en masse needs to realise +15 weekly isn’t insanely hard and does not require 290 ilvl and 3000 io… but this won’t happen. Blizzard will have to force it like final fantasy did… Remove the whole “join a queue with notes and wait to be handpicked”… instead … make it queueable like Daily heroic or LFR, with iLvl requirements. If you meet the ilvl for a 15, and match the role, queue pops, ya’ll do the key then part ways.


This is a symptom of mass cross realm accessibility and the insane glut of dps applying compared to tanks and healers.

When 70 dps apply for 2 spots group leaders can afford to be super picky.

It will remain that way forever unless magically more people decide to heal and tank keys.

Why do you feel you need to do it?

Try listing your own key, and you’ll start to see why people don’t get invites. People aren’t “requiring” overgeared and overskilled players for their 15s, they’re just accepting the best applicants.

Let’s say you’re ilvl 260 with an M+ score of 2200 (at this point in the season). You’re perfectly qualified to complete a 15 in time if you know how to play your character. But let’s say you apply, and another hunter applies, but they’re 270 ilvl with 2500 score and their main is 3000 score. I’m going to invite that guy, because I have a much better chance of timing my key with them. It doesn’t mean you’re unqualified.

For raid. I still have shoulders and a ring under iLvl 252 and only 1of 4 tier pieces. Last week was grievous which I flatly refuse to play but I’ve got to at least do some +2 or +3 this week for more chances for tier in the GV. Happily those aren’t very demanding and I can do them with guild.

most pvpers don’t do m+ and when i que m+ as a tank it takes forever to find a healer, so no M+ is pretty dead

You do M+…for LFR?

It’s “important” because a critical mass of players have responded positively to it-- enough that it has become worth spending development cycles on it. I’m sorry that you have a distaste for it, but there must be a feature of WoW that draws you to it that maybe other players may not enjoy either. The bottom line is WoW is a multi-player game, and it has to accommodate more players than just yourself.

I feel ya man. Being a tank people expect me to know what to pull, what route to take to get the % we need… i don’t know any of that crap. I just want the keystone master mount. but now that blizzard removed the people selling runs I actually have to work at M+ and its exhausting and frankly not fun.

I enjoy m+ because it offers a chance to play the game at my skill level, there’s always more challenging content to push myself through if I want to try it as opposed to a static normal and heroic mode.

How are you going to complain about this

…then say this?

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Double think. Haters don’t use logic, they just want to be angry.

Can you please show me where I wrote that it was impossible to do the content? Oh that’s right, you can’t…because I never said that. I never said it was the content’s fault either. I said I don’t like the design of the content and it’s not fun for me. If you read the original post, this thread is for people who don’t do M+ and the reasons why. Given that topic, I’m not sure why you’re even posting here. :wink:

I generally try to avoid doing things I don’t find fun, which is why there’s a long, long list of hobbies and activities I don’t engage in. However, I don’t stop by the Reddit for stamp collectors and complain and try to figure out why I don’t collect stamps.