Anyone else repudiate M+?

I do this every run.

You are probably signing up for keys that you are borderline undergeared for. It’s not that your undergeared but no one is going to take the 252 mage to a 15 unless they desperately need a lust. Dps are a dine a dozen and they will take the 265s over the 252s any day of the week.

Also your score might be too low. Best to start doing as many dungeons as you can at say lvl 5-10 to get the score up then branche into 12s and eventually 15s

M+ with friends or guildies is great usually the timer is not even noticed it’s just me and people I enjoy running a dungeon with! But I see why you might dislike it. I personally don’t like the RUSH beat the timer all the time, but it is enjoyable to just rush and blast through a key/weekly key sometimes!

I think a tourghast gauntlet/Mage tower is something they should add to every xpac as another addition to the end-game we should expect. In addition to the existing Raids, M+, PvP.

Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing. I did a 15 and a 14 with my close group. Timed the 15. Although, it just still seems like an absolute drag. It’s a personal opinion of mine on the matter, of course. I’ll get there eventually… There’s just something off about it for me.

Interesting academic exercise, but no. At least in M+ they get instanced and the speedrunners can go hang out with like minded people. Spawn camping is a lot less of a problem today than long ago to be sure … but I can’t imagine a scenario where open world questing on a timer is going to be a pleasant experience.

Maybe we can apply a different difficulty to ZM quests? More keys if there are extra vombata cubs and we have to use an all powerful device to scan 15 elementals instead of 12.

Just looking at your M+ so far, you’ve only done 6 dungeons on fortified. If you did the remaining 4 dungeons at any level preferrably in the 8-12 key range your score would go up a ton. This week if you really wanted to increase your score and thus your chances of higher key acceptance you should do each dungeon on Tyrannical. After that it’s all about getting each key upgraded even if it is one level at a time. TLDR the main reason you get declined is your M+ score is missing 4 dungeons on fortified and all 10 on Tyrannical.

Dunno why, but that just sounds a bit convoluted already. Why does it matter what the affix is? Like why are they making M+ really, really important? I’ve always had a distaste for the super-rush feeling that most groups do.


You have to remember that doing one 15 doesn’t mean much. Especially when you have 30 other people signing up with multiple 15s timed

No there are timers on warsong and twin peaks to prevent forever camping
You can end the game in a tie as well

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Get that mage pvp ilvl up :wink: big q’s tonight and this week

Someone had fun playing Harry Potter :joy:

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M+ makes it so that they don’t have to put any effort into new dungeons. When all they have to do is slap a + sign on content and give a little higher ilvl the further up you go, they don’t have to make new content. It’s lazy.


A no leavers run is not going to fix all the things I dislike about M+. It’s good that you like M+ - people should do the content they enjoy. I’m not sure why you’re trying to convince me to do content I don’t enjoy. It’s not going to happen.

I’d argue a system that keeps all of an expansion’s dungeons relevant through the entire lifespan is preferable to one where we get 1-2 new heroic dungeons that only matter until the next patch.

You can get tier gear from m+, pvp or even open world content.

It’s getting there :joy:

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The affix changes what aspects of the dungeon are more difficult. Groups often want to know you can handle both of the major changes – bosses being much more difficult, or trash being much more difficult.

Run your own keys my man. The you get to be the one to decline the flood of dps.

Hey to each their own. I prefer the other way. I like the new dungeons that tie into the story going into the raid. It feels a lot better. I personally don’t like running the same dungeons over and over just because they got a little harder than last time. Obviously there are a lot of people that enjoy that, I just don’t happen to be one of them.


If you don’t want to do the content, that’s your choice, but saying that it is the content’s fault is disingenuous. There are ways to consume the content, you just choose not to engage with it.