Anyone else repudiate M+?

I despise M+ and haven’t run one since 2018. I have never liked timed games, and the timer just ruins all the fun of a dungeon for me. It also sets up a situation where even when you win (killing all the bosses), you still lose (didn’t beat the timer). I’d rather do Tortollan world quests for a week than run one M+ dungeon.


It’s NOT. That’s the whole problem with keys for me. Raids are paced well, while keys aren’t. Raids have 6-10 minute boss fights, maybe 15 for an end boss, and easy trash between bosses. The longest you have to maintain attention is usually 10 minutes because the long boss fights tend to have a transition animation.

M+ demands 40 minutes of sustained attention. Many of the affixes demand constant vigilance. On most days, that’s impossible for me and even on a good day it’s mentally exhausting. At some point in the key I’m probably going to make a mistake. If the mistake is just fumbling a rotation it’s no big deal, but if I slip up pathing or fail a boss mechanic, it can cause a wipe and impact the timer. The timer in M+ and downgrading keys if you go over time means players are intolerant of mistakes and is the primary cause of most of the gatekeeping and toxicity.

I play my main quite well, went AotC in Sanctum. (I don’t care to raid mythic.) That doesn’t mean I enjoy spending 40 minutes dodging tornadoes, moonfiring fireballs, or spam healing to where I’m OOM every third pull. Sorry, but that’s just not good content.


The reverse. You got rewarded for a win even when you lost. Making time is the challenge, not finishing. You lost. You were defeated. But the game gave you rewards in defeat.

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Except people jump ship the moment it looks like the group won’t make time and then you can’t finish the dungeon for your loser rewards.



Blizzard has added tags for like minded players to group together.

As someone that’s just about at 2500 PURELY through pugging… I absolutely DESPISE mythic+… but I still do it. Even while raiding it feels like it’s the only way to get an upgrade. Both of the previous raids I went without getting my most important items because they didn’t drop for me or the few others who could trade it to me, so I ended up replacing them with… yup, easily farmed max ilvl stuff from the weekly M+ chest. Heck, even the best tier is going to come from the weekly chest since you can use your max ilvl weekly gear from the M+ chest to craft into tier.

Like, I don’t get it, why, as a raider, do I feel like I HAVE to do M+ each week? Why, as a raider, do I feel like most of my gear comes from the M+ weekly chest? Man, I wish I could infinitely farm RAIDS as much as I want in a week to farm specific items like I can M+. At least raids are fun due to the lack of a timer (enrage timers are hardly comparable). M+ makes me wish they never got rid of the bonus roll coins because at least with those I got all of my raid gear… from raiding. The M+ chest is way better this expansion than it was in BFA, but I wish I could just fill up all 9 slots by doing one activity rather than all three.


But there’s something caustic about M+ that I absolutely loath. And I’m not sure how to pinpoint it. It feels so forced, so artificial, and is enormously aggravating. It’s everything except fun. And now it’s more prevalent than ever.

Am I alone, are there others that just don’t do M+ or hate it as much as I do?

You’re not the only one.

Just ignore it. There is a lot more to do.

I pay to be here to chill, not be aggravated by M+ tryhards.

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What people liked about CMs was they could say “that’s not for me” and not do it. It didn’t give any power, so it wasn’t a threat to them gatekeeping progression.

Now that any single dad with 3 jobs can progress ahead of them, they’re flashing back to when Stacey turned them down for spring formal even though they were nice to her for a whole week, and that kinda internal trauma is just forcing them to lash out at things.

See, gatekeeping endgame is the real issue at hand. These sweaty neck beards want to force people to apply to be allowed the honor of doing endgame in their world. It’s the same reason they hated lfd and lfr.


I guess that’s just my preference then. Raid progging is fun, but when you’re clearing heroic again, or doing earlier mythic bosses, it’s just incredibly boring and a snoozefest, dependent on the least skilled player in the group.

That’s why I like M+. Gotta be on your toes. Gotta adjust, recover. And I run with guldies/friends, so there’s not toxicity if we wipe the first pull in a 20 ToP because we messed up taking the trash into the boss. We just lower the key, go again.

There’s no namecalling, no one dropping mid-pull, or holding tradeable loot hostage.

Like I said, finding people to run with is the difference between liking and hating M+. If I had to pug every single key, I’d hate the entire system as well.

I enjoy M+ within a supportive, vocal guild group.

But I absolutely will not PUG M+ at all.

It’s the single most toxic thing in the game.

My biggest issue with “Just do it and learn it as you go” is that the key system ramps up difficulty faster than you can learn the skills - mostly because you go in with X key in Y dungeon and come out with X+2 key in Z dungeon which now has different mechanics and nothing you learned other than the affix handling from Y dungeon has much bearing on the new one.

Having a patient, vocal lead in these situations to talk through what you’re supposed to do until you’re familiar with all of the different dungeons is a must and outside of a supportive, vocal guild group you cannot find that.


Why did all the RWF guilds reclear mythic twice for 278 gear when they already had 4p tier?

They could have had so much more time on the end bosses if only you told them 278 gear didn’t matter at all.

Pretty much every heroic and mythic guild is now free from the past 6 years of mandatory mythic+ runs for easy gear outside of raids with this knowledge that the gear doesn’t matter. It’s incredible.

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I miss the days of running into a dungeon, killing everything, maybe getting loot at your own pace and running out. I’m a very very quick tank when it comes to leveling and old content, I burn through those dungeons like nobody’s daggone business, but M+ is the worst. I did a few in Legion and completely quit the game, it’s a toxic nightmare. Recently coming back and realizing just how much I loathe this garbage mode. If you get stuck with a group where, say, the healer refuses to use more than chain heal, or the DPS wants to stand in fire/doesn’t want to learn how to play, you’re completely screwed because some arbitrary competitive ranking score downgrades you, all because your Hunter wanted to barrage blindly on cooldown for your 30 minute run. Then you can’t find groups because your arbitrary MMR isn’t high enough.
I don’t play ranked multiplayer games, I don’t like being punished for other people screwing up on a massive scale. I don’t play HotS ranked because I don’t want a bad ranking if my team decides to die in the midlane instead of pushing properly, same thing here. WoW isn’t exactly a difficult game, the whole gameplay loop was “Run in place, hit thing, get shiny, hit bigger thing, do it at your own pace” and aside from enrage timers, there wasn’t anything keeping you from fighting one mob pack at a time if you wanted to. I want to raid, but everyone keeps telling me raiding is worthless and I need to just spam M+. So I’ve been looking for guilds to run low keys with and guess what? Nobody does em, they say “Pug them yourself, when you can do 15’s then we’ll play.”


Mythic doesn’t drop tier gear? Huh, I never knew. Oh wait, it does. Tier gear with more stats > tier gear with less stats >>>>> everything else.

It took Echo only a few hours to reclear for 285 tier. Hmm. Clearly M+ is too rewarding though.

That’s great for people who are able to devote set blocks of time to WoW on a regular schedule. I have a family with young children among other obligations, and my schedule changes all the time, so PUGs would be the only viable option for me (there are tons of other players in this boat as well). The timer and the rating system motivate abandoning groups at the first sign of trouble.

Unfortunately friends or no, I have to overgear the key enough to be able to recover from screwups. That means I don’t get any reward for them. It would be easier if I played DPS instead of healing; my momentary lapses in concentration would have less impact. I’d DPS keys but I stack haste for healing and need crit for DPS, and my trinkets are garbage for DPS.

ETA: Thank you. I’ve never been able to articulate why I dislike keys so much, or why I find them so exhausting. It’s 40 minutes of sweaty perfectionism with no breaks that does me in. If I could run in a guild group and pause the timer halfway through, I’d be good to go.

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Join no leavers runs then.

I love M+, I run 1-4 M+ weekly on 13 characters with my top couple of characters pushing for 2.5k for the red mount and my main pushing for 3k. I love the fact that I can get tier gear in my M+ row and that it can be upgraded.

I also raid on 4 characters with a couple different groups and enjoy that content.

What I don’t care for, Torghast although I haven’t tried the newest boss challenge mode yet. I don’t like redoing the mage tower, did it back when it was current and now it’s not even remotely fun for me.

Just my two cents.

If you’re CE, yeah, you don’t need M+. The remaining 99.9% of us scrubs do. :wink:

I really enjoy the challenge of M+. I don’t have enough friends to form a mythic raid team, so M+ is pretty much what I’ve got.

I came back to WoW about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve seen that M+ is at the forefront of almost everything it seems. That, and now there’s this M+ score? (You can tell I’ve been away).

I have to raise that score to a certain number to upgrade my gear, but I never get invited to many keys as of recent. Whether it’s due to me not having tier, ilvl, or whatever I guess. You can also say that still to this day, many other people still want peeps that are overtuned for the key level. My mates told me, for other than raiding, “You better run some keys. Gotta catch up.” And, I have been. I’ve been doing my best, but dang, sitting around applying to keys over and over again doesn’t seem like a great WoW experience.