Anyone else repudiate M+?

Yeah, it’s just baffling to me.

Wow, extra avenues of gearing that are optional, but can be pursued to min-max my character faster if I choose to do so?

NooooOOOOooo, delete it!!! There can only be raid logging!!!

Like damn, just… don’t do it?

Are these same people complaining about PVP gearing?

Are they gonna be complaining about the Creation Catalyst and being “forced” to collect materials to forge tier?

It’s insane to me.

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Didn’t say that.

Didn’t say that either.

Certainly didn’t say that :laughing:

It may seem that way since you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying but I can assure you, you’re wrong.

I’m Kaurmine I don’t take breaks

All I do is play wow lol.

I’m not sure how I can word this so you can understand it, I thought I said it clearly before but I shall try again! :heart:

Not having things to do means I can do things I want to do WITHIN WOW


My favorite part about Cata was difficult dungeons.
MoP lacked any reason to do dungeons (and when you did them, they were mindless). It was the one sore spot about an otherwise perfect expansion (imo of course)
WoD was massively improved with Mythic dungeons (and the weekly event which also brought Time Walking).

Dungeons have a massive influence on the expansion, and I think they were severely under utilized for a few expansions (MoP & WoD).
M+ is a good way to make them relevant.

Frankly it’s Raids that I avoid these days.

What’s some examples?
Examples always help.

He can get caught up on pet battles during WoD.


Me! :laughing:

That’s not true, one example: Questing.

I think the last time I was in a raid where the boss enraged was Wrath ToC :laughing:

Didn’t they remove those? I know WSG doesn’t have its timer anymore. You either win/lose or stay there forever :rofl:

EXACTLY! You do understand me Sentenza :heart:

I spend all day long collecting in Wow now, back when I raided I would do that then I would go and collect stuffs :slight_smile: So “not having anything to do” meant I had more time to collect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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This is the attitude to have. I personally think M+ is great because you can choose your level of challenge (right up to and including not doing it.)

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Mythic+ is probably the best thing ever added to the game imo


Same, happy in the 10-12 range with people that are calm and easy going.

Going higher ain’t worth it, unless you have a dedicated group that ain’t a pug.


Pet battles don’t require you to be geared.

Nothing you want to do, outside of what you deem that you have to do, requires you to be geared.

Nope, but soloing Legion Mythic Raids does according to Ion :laughing:
But…where did gear come from?

Gear is the root of all progression.
You were complaining about chores. And this is a thread about M+. Gear is obviously a factor.

This is a thread about repudiating, or refusing to accept or be associated with, M+. I’m not sure gear matters.

M+ was fun when they first came out, but it’s gotten way out of hand. Honestly, the old CM’s, were better. Similar concept, but it wasn’t as prevalent. People who wanted to be competitive could choose to do practice them and get good enough at them to get gold.

The devs who are forcing the M+ thing are stupid.


He’s not talking about gear. He’s talking about play time. Modern WoW has a lot of content that you feel an urgency to do. This leaves less time to do “fun stuff” if you don’t choose to allot time to do them yourself.

Mage Tower comes to mind during Legion Timewalking. You had a choice to do fun stuff or grind for trinkets. If you were a compulsive player who grinded gear you may have missed Mage Tower.

I get what he’s saying to be fair…. I just strongly, STRONGLY disagree that it is good for the game. If you want to have fun… make the time yourself. Stop asking Blizz to do it for you.

CMs suck. They are everything people hate about M+ from a gameplay point of view (skips, cheese, exploiting) with almost none of the good. The only thing people like about CMs are the mogs basically.

It’s nice doing hard content without the shepherding needed in a raid. I prefer M+.

Best thing, and still gets ruined mostly by the community. At this point, I don’t whose the best at sabotaging the game. Us or the Devs.

I just want to be clear, I’m not saying anything should be removed. I came into this thread because the title and OP was asking if anyone else just didn’t do M+ and I’m one of those people :man_shrugging: I like M+ because it gives YOU guys something to do to stay busy :laughing: I may not enjoy it but I just stay out of it :+1:

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Yeah, the rewards were the funnest thing about them. Although I honestly did like derping my way through bronze and working beyond that. Until it got to the point where it was a grind.

I think it’s the grind bit that bugs me about M+, too. I actually do find min-maxing fun, up to a point. Used to love back in Wrath, combo’ing a bs/engi pally toon, because it was OP in ICC.

People take it too far, though. They end up raging about the tiniest thing, when I’m just sitting here being a nerd about math and going, “Lol, this extra int is going to make my FoL OP for XYZ fight. That’s neat.”

For me, things become very NOT fun when you get some rando frothing at the mouth about, “How can you NOT know about this skip that barely got discovered one day ago? You’re a terrible person and should go jump in a lake.” (Insert the usual, actual, curse words and other things they usually say irl, during their rage events.)