Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

I remember back in the run-up to The Fellowship Of The Ring when it was released in 2001. I really remember being nervous about the film’s quality and faithfulness to the source material. But I decided to give it a chance and go in with an open mind. Worked out great!

As far as this new series goes, yeaaaah, there are definitely some liberties being taken with the casting. Do I love that? No. But I am realistic enough to understand why it’s being done. And if the story ends up being faithful to the source, then I think it’s got potential.

I’m going to give it a fair shot and then make a judgement. I will not judge a series like this until I’ve seen it for myself.

Ah, you’re mad about brown elves and dwarves. Got it. Continue being mad. :slight_smile:


And that comes for Disa from the house where there were she-dwarfs, women, white, and who had a beard.

Tolkien literally admitted that he was racist later in life, dude.


Citation needed.

They could’ve easily added a diverse cast with the Haradrim, Easterlings or other cultures filled with POCs in Middle-Earth, yet they chose to retcon the only race that has been described by Tolkien as “pale and fair-skinned” throughout his books. The very least they could do is make him look like an actual elf, not like a human who just got some bad looking ears glued on him with a buzz cut. And the dwarf woman doesn’t even have a beard.


conservationist, and then why would you watch the series? if your ignorant thinking sees it as you see it from the author.

Amazon is not doing inclusive, and progressive, it’s just his whims of Bezos that will finally have a Game of thrones, even if it’s like a 2.0

People who are upset about the color of the skin of actors, please keep being vocal about it.
Makes it easier for the rest of us to avoid you.


ohh… great, it is easy to ignore one, pitiful that you cannot deceive yourself mediocrity that does not care about anything, only lives off the consumerism that gives them and that’s it.

It disappoints me, I don’t think it’s that bad, but I think it will make mistakes worse than what was seen in the Hobbit, and there are many people who haven’t read the books, which won’t matter if the new series streams them.

Ah, yes, that would go over well. Funnel all the black and brown cast into the groups that joined with Sauron because of their natural inclination for evil… Yeah, that would go over really well. Definitely the better choice instead of diversifying the main cast of good guys/gals.

And look, bottom line is, the Tolkien estate approved of black and brown elves and dwarves. They’re the final authority. They think it’s okay and within Tolkien’s vision.

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But they weren’t all bad and their culture is largely unexplored. If they can add new characters and storylines in the series, I’m sure they can make one for the Southern regions of Middle-Earth. The big difference between Peter Jackson’s approach and the Amazon approach is that PJ understood what Tolkien based his work on and what his intention was with it, while Amazon uses it “to reflect the current world”. That statement is disrespectful to Tolkien’s vision.

As for the Tolkien estate, after Christopher Tolkien’s death, there isn’t really anyone there anymore who is as passionate as he was in preserving Tolkien’s work.


In fact, Tolkien did not describe what the elves’ hairstyle was like, but that was the fashion of the 80’s to see long hair in the style of Connan.

But you’re right, he wasn’t too shaved and just glued his elven ears like any other geek nerd, in fact this actor who worked in GoT, would have liked him to have another more respectable role in Tolkien’s story line, but Tolkien had heroes Afro-descendants in Middle Earth.

And one more thing, from what I know you have a good conscience, reason and sanity to what is happening, just think about one thing.

The series is only Game of Thrones 2.0 no matter how much they deny it and it was just a whim to the wishes of Bezos on his stream.

Zero faith in this new LoTR show, especially after what Amazon did to Wheel of Time. If you’re looking to scratch your Amazon fantasy itch, you’re better off watching Vox Machina instead. At least you can tell that show was written by people who actually know and love pop fantasy.


The coolest part of the whole trailer was the elf dude who grabbed the arrow out of the air and shot it back at someone

I like how it’s looking so far but not much to judge on.

Gonna watch it.

In regards to WoT That Rafe Judkins guy just looks like someone that needs punched in the face daily

This. I was excited for Wheel of Time. I couldn’t have been more disappointed. Big budget is meaningless, and there wasn’t enough acting in the trailer for me to judge the cast.

I was excited for Matrix 4. It might be the worst movie I’ve seen in 20 years.

Basicially, I’ll wait for September. The only thing that gives me hope is that it appears they’re keeping with the art used in the movies so it doesn’t feel completely independent.

Does Wormtongue not kill him in the books? I could’ve sworn he dies after trying to destroy the Shire, with Wormtongue stabbing him to death.

Jackson might have done that for Lotr, but for The Hobbit he seemed to do whatever the hell he wanted.

Saruman’s canon death scene.


same character, if memory serves…changes to the storyline

I imagine that has to do with them having to cut out the war in the Shire due to both time restraints and Jackson feeling it’d be anti-climatic to the movies.


I’m still processing their bastardization of Wheel of Time. (So far I think the characters are done right (for the medium—except Thom) but so much changed/left out it’s almost a different story)

I’m sure it will be pretty to look at, depends on how much they change and/or leave out. The Hobbit was super disappointing after LotR.

We will see.

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