Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

I think they are making a very expensive mistake to get a message out. Time will tell on how well it does but there is some serious backlash going on at the moment. The teaser trailers are getting hammered.

Here is hoping it turns out well. :beer:

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looks so good batchest


I’m not sure why people have such a woke bug up their butt over a story that uses european fantasy tropes, written by a man trying to cope with the horrors he’d seen fighting in world war two.


Looking forward to it. It is based on second age so I think a lot of people will be confused when certain characters from the main books aren’t present.

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I’m actually dreading that series, and how they will butcher Tolkien because reasons.


I hoped that Peter Jackson would do this .
Without him I think it will be a huge mess .

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Didnt even know it was a thing, lol.
Netflix or something?
I’ll check it out, but Im always on the lookout for anything to be ruined by PC crap.

nah…they got Tarantino to direct…everyone dies in the end :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I remember when Saruman died i the movie and Im like…wait wut? lol

This is how they ruin most shows these days.
They first check all their woke boxes before ever considering any story or canon.


I will give it a go for a couple of episodes and view it as the entertainment that is provided. As others said I’m hoping that they stay true to source material… but as with most productions these days they won’t/don’t/aren’t.

So yes I will view it, but that won’t stop me from reviewing it either and giving it an appropriate score or lack thereof.

Amazon Prime when it comes which from what I saw isn’t til closer to fall/winter holidays.

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The problem is not the diversity. It’s the sameness. Most of the actors in TV series suck the same, and many of them seem to suck on purpose. Like sucking is a kind of assertiveness.

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The trailer looks really interesting but as I was disappointed in the movies I am not expecting a lot.


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Looks off, the cast is off. Looks like the Twisted and messed up Galadriel. Seems like something that will rely heavily on CGI. Already from the interviews it sounds like they’re going to put in too much unique stuff in favor of lore… It’s not looking good to me…
Though don’t let me stop you! I’m just tired of the Modernized Torture of Art…
It doesn’t look like Middle-Earth at all actually, the people the places… It doesn’t feel that way to me…

cool. I keep prime subbed for the shipping. Netflix I only sub here and there.

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Luckily, one can simply not watch it.

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Btw, I like the 3 Hobbit movies, a lot. I love Peter Jackson’s directing style.


Wait and see is the best approach in my book.

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