Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

I just wish people would stop calling it “the LOTR tv series” since it’s not.


Mhm, meh. I don’t really share the opinion. Generic trailer music and unconvincing, “in your face” CGI that’s badly done in the scene where the one girl climbs. The hair doesn’t even move with the storm.
But I’ve already decided that I won’t watch it before the trailer came out because the information about the series was already out there. I personally don’t need another butchered franchise that fell victim to a huge corporation that doesn’t respect the source material and the artistic value.

They already did when they decided it should be like GoT.


i will only watch it if there is incest inside a tower


Yeah. When they released that first promo image

And you can clearly see the Two Trees in the background, I was PUMPED. Because it meant we were going to see Valinor, even if it was just in flashback or something.

My friends were really surprised how much I was geeking out over it. So (knowing I didn’t watch the superbowl) I was sent the trailer link afterwards, and I just said, “This tells us nothing.”

isnt there a love scene between gandalf and galadriel?

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There was no Gandalf in the First or Second Age.

Olorin, sure.

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Kill me plz.


Trailer looks “meh” to me, not really interested

Unfaithful to Tolkiens lore, unfaithful to many things about LoTR.

You want to twist a story to fit whatever your personal narrative is? Go write your own, don’t insult the creator by doing things they never would.

Not hyped, I predict this will be a season 8 GoT level disaster


I’m as excited for it as I am to watch Batwoman.

I don’t watch Batwoman.


That’s how I felt about Peter Jackson’s films.


i clearly havent read much about it XD

I’m going to come off looking bad but…

They have rewritten Tolkien to appease today’s masses in the name of wokeness and racial correctiveness.

You do not rewrite a classic and leave it’s original basis to die and be forgotten. Yes, the books will remain but today’s instant and technological gratification has and will win out over taking the time to actually read.


I’m very excited, actually as I was already on a LotR kick, so I’m pretty hyped about the show. I’m also lowkey obsessed with Galadriel, so I’m excited to see her.

I’ll probably try to read the Silmarillion in the meantime as I’ve always meant to and never got around to it.

I think a diverse cast is a good thing, as long as you stick to the source material.

I felt the same way about Marvel’s MCU when they changed the Ancient One from a Tibetan guy (as he is in the comics) to an Irish lady (in the films). That was silly.

I think in the Second Age you can have TREMENDOUS cast diversity in Numenor, since Numenor is where the Valar brought together the best and brightest of humanity. And since Numenor’s actual descriptions in the source material are vague at best, there’s a lot of room there to write whatever you want.


But they’re not sticking to the source material. Galadriel is a warrior and Elrond is a carpenter or something. Tolkien wrote about those characters prior to The Hobbit and neither were what this series is making them out to be.


Yes, I know.

They’re doing it wrong. You can have cast diversity AND stick to the source material. Unfortunately, there are indications they aren’t doing that.


i dont watch trailers, but just looking at the cast, they dont give me lotr vibes


I hate to break it to u … but… ur already dead

I will, simply because…despite none of the LotR and Hobbit movies ‘being true’ to the books…they are still cinematically impressive works that tell a good story.

Movie and TV adaptions of books almost never get it spot on, mostly because of the limitations of time. It seems a bit pedantic to ignore the entertainment value of a good production because of minor details.

I’m soooo hoping that it’s great but even if it isn’t we still have the greatest trilogy of all time to rewatch time and time again.