Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

Because of these two

This will be inevitable.

I am excited for it and I’m not even much of a LOTR fan, I applaud their casting choices and I love to see it.

House of the Dragon I am applauding for the same reason and equally as excited though I must admit I’m more of an ASOIAF fan anyways.

Seems to be a good year for fantasy fans.

I was expecting Lorien Armor to resemble Rivendell’s Armor from Peter Jackson’s 2 Trilogies!

The fact that Elrond sent Lorien’s Ambassador in Rivendell Armor will be hard to swallow.

I hope they don’t retcon Elrond’s Armor!

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Wait. Tolkien had the audacity to write something based on his experiences that were shared by his audience? Holy cow!!!

Next you’ll be saying Confucius wrote for Asian people.

Edit: can’t spell.

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“Evil cannot create, only corrupt.”


The Watch, no Nobby or Colon, race swapped Vime’s wife to a martial arts, strong brave woman, went Goth punk rock Ank Morpork.

gender swapped Vetinari…

Sir Terry’s daughter disowned it.

on the bright side, there’s an animated Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents coming out this year.

I stopped watching when the wizards had no hats…

Sounds like good old fashioned studio meddling

this 100%


Not at all. They seem to care more about diversity inclusion than staying true to the original lore of LOTR. I won’t be watching it.

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If you really care about them “staying true to the original lore”, I’m sure you could find something else to focus on other than the skin color of the characters.

I think Arrondir looks awesome:


There is a rule, always valid for any kind of Art.
If your objective is doing beautiful things, you may do trash instead.
If your objective is anything else, you will do only trash.

That is the problem.

That doesn’t really sound all that artist rule like to me. Rather limited and shortsighted as to the role and purpose of art which tends to transcend just being pretty things.

No, LOTR should have died with the trilogy. It’s being milked for what little its worth now, it will meet the same fate as Star Wars after Disney.

Not really, looks awful and uninspired just like The Witcher series was.

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“Beautiful” in this context means “artistically good”. Does not mean Brad Pitt. It’s OBVIOUS.
This kind of purposeful misunderstanding to undervalue what people say is getting old. Very, very old.

Silencing thread.

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Because artistically good is a defined term, and still you miss the point.

Aside from the fact that many of the great works of art in history were made for the purpose of getting a paycheck, how do you define the idea of striving to create good art? Art will make you think, challenge your point of view and so on.

Plus you just seem determined to prejudge a work without actually consuming it, letting your preconceived notions of what it should be rule out whether the work will stand on its own, which none of us will know until we can see it.

-art school grad mode off

Yea not the point I was making. If people watch this and don’t feel a connection to the original then did they really make a good LOTR movie? I guess we’ll see. However the criticism it is getting so far is from long time LOTR fans who know the lore well and don’t feel this new movie is going to be a good representation of LOTR.

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Nice flex. Lol.

Either your argument has merit or it does not. Throwing out credentials on the internet that can’t be verified seems desperate.
-philosophy grad mode off (/sarcasm)

Edit: grammar


I would advise you to go and learn about how much work he put into the LOTR movies. Quick Info for ya, 2 years of PRE production. Shot 3 movies in the space of 260ish days and got them all to cinema within 4 years. And the fact he was the substitute director for the hobbit as the OG director bailed

He deserves more credit from you, and you would do well to learn from what that whole cast / crew did for many people.

Also the complete blitz at the oscars for the movie is enough for me to know that most of the world viewed it as a success, if you didn’t that’s fair, but majority wins baby.


Oscars nominations and winners are determined by the Academy, not popular vote. Which means there have been many occasions where movies are “Oscar bait” but deemed very unsuccessful. Not saying this series is Oscar bait, but I’m pointing out that “blitz at the Oscars” doesn’t equal popular success.

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