Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

Fair point.

Was finding more reasons it’s considered some great cinema of our time

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the producers of the rings were horrified when they saw " Meet the Feebles" Peter Jackson’s

earlier film…

it was their Tim Allen moment…

Not really.

Only out of morbid curiosity how Amazon could possibly have spent over $1,000,000,000 to make this show when the trilogy cost less than $300 million to make and still holds up today as the undisputed pinnacle of high fantasy film-making. Even as cool as some scenes in GoT or Witcher or Wheel of Time may have been, they have absolutely nothing on LOTR and The Hobbit.

Especially given that the clips I’ve seen so far look awful. People cried like infants about Hobbit’s 48 fps and how a clear ramping up of the CG compared to LOTR hurt their feelings, but it was an eyeseore already how incredibly much CG they’re using in this series. The landscapes, the panoramics, the huge sweeping establishing shots are blatantly not real.

Peter Jackson’s crew used actual filmmaking like putting cameras on helicopters and driving through New Zealand and all that good stuff. Some of these Rings of Power scenes look incredibly bad by comparison.

So then you disagree with all Tom Clancy everything, every Jurassic World trash movie and anything else they do with Crichtons work, The Hobbit, all Lord of the Rings, and every other dead artist’s stuff that makes it into popular media right?

These companies now don’t believe in respecting source material… and they’ll definitely push real life stuff into this series. Bet on it.

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That is correct, yes. Especially for Tom Clancy, his name is basically just a soulless brand now. Brooks are written under his name that he didn’t even write, its disturbing.

Of course I liked LOTR and Jurassic Park as a kid, but it doesn’t mean I approve of them morally now. Something being entertaining doesn’t suddenly mean I am going to make an exception to my statement. Nice try though.

He looks like the guy that would take my shoe size at Nike more than an elf from middle earth…

I’ve always felt like LOTR was boring, the religious tie ins and overall themes just rung out as lame to me.

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What, that a toxically romanticized view of art that is frequently used to try and shame artists from seeking fair compensation for their efforts is romanticized BS?

And meant less as a flex and more of a “and this is why I made this little rant.” explanation.