Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

Here is the one thing that disturbed me the most and makes me question watching.

If the trailer was explained to me correctly……

Did I see a black (not the problem), female (not the problem), dwarf (not the problem) WITH NO BEARD!!! Are they being removed to fight masculine toxicity?

I’m no Tolkien expert but what?

I think this is some of the best looking fantasy armor I’ve seen in a live action film/series:

I liked most of the other characters and their outfits as well. I’m hopeful, somewhat.

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Evil can only corrupt.

And the elves have pointy ears despite that not being true to Tolkien, but here we are, is it really that big a deal?

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The Witcher… I actually bought the game, and hated it (and myself for wasting money that way).
I like the TV series, though. Yes, solid.
And for a change, actors who are not living blasphemy against the Art of Acting.

This one does not look like Galadriel, at all, nor looks like an Elf, at all.

I’ll pass on this series.

What is Galadriel supposed to look like? What is an Elf supposed to look like?

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Wow, what a shocker.

From the movies:

Elves are not humans. Different species. If anything, elves should be portraited as MORE different.

So it’s okay to cast whites as non-white characters because it’s wrong to cater to whites, and it’s okay to cast non-whites as white characters because it’s okay to cater to non-whites, . And of course racism, which only whites are capable of and so we’ll just assume their decisions are a product of that.

Ah, if I don’t care about everything I can’t care about anything. Leaving aside the apples and oranges comparison, I don’t know enough about Warcraft lore to know what is or isn’t retconned, and I don’t care about it either way.


What’s a shocker?


You want them to look like they look in the movies, is that what you’re saying?

How does this:

Not look similar to this:

I fail to see the problem you have.

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Nothing, I called it 6 days ago.

You’re still angry about the change of skin-tone from the characters in this, newly created characters not even characters being changed. So yes.

Sir Terry Pratchett avoided American studios to protect his discworld franchise.

laughably the BBC shredded it to ribbons as Amazon will do to LotR.

Been a while since I’ve seen one of the adaptations, what did they do so wrong?

Ah, yes, I am a white racist for caring about this topic. How could I not be? Other than that I pretty clearly clued you in earlier in this thread that I’m not white.

Well, seen from the side she looks like a slightly pointy eared Eowyn, at least.
But yes, in this still could be an Elf.

But it’s a pass for me anyway. By now I have learned to preempt this kind of disappointment (the butchering kind).

Only won on Bezos’s whim to have his Game of Thrones 2.0, he already repeats it in several posts in this thread, it will never be the LotR that we would have to see more for the book than Peter Jackson’s movies, it is a series with inspiration from GoT, and Bezos more than got his said series.

like Jeane of the Arc, Milla Jovovich did better in that movie.

but it’s probably just a little poorly done propaganda about female empowerment, which in the end doesn’t affect the controversy of the series much.

I think there are other things that will negatively affect and the same thing about the series is amputating high without premiering its series, which is bad when the internet annoys everything with spoilers.

I already said, Tolkien did not refer to exactly how the elven hairstyle was, it was a trend to the Conan era in the movies D&D in the 80’s thanks and he transmitted it in the movie.

But neither is he, he is not as shaved as a traditional contemporary Afro-descendant, at least something more Latin would be seen in more detail, as is the case with Sado Yasutora in Bleach with the Mexican descent that he has, if that is what I remember.

or better style, like the same Wrathion in BfA.


I’m—obviously given multiple WoW character names—quite interested in what they did with Ar-Pharazôn and Ar-Zimraphel/Tar-Míriel with only the couple of paragraphs in the Appendices, especially since they don’t have license access to using the Akallabêth in the Silmarillion. I’ll probably give the show a chance just to see, but I don’t have overly high expectations…I’m fairly indifferent to any cast diversity choices they made.