Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

That’s not “real talk”. That’s literally something you made up in your head.


Yea… and currently with Wheel of Time (which is their closest IP to LotR) it’s ok but is it worth the time investment given what all the other streaming services are providing? Not really. Same with Expanse or Hanna… they’re all ok to decent.

Best shows so far are animated: Invincible and Vox Machina.

Except we’ve already seen it happen to multiple IP’s they’ve tried “adapting” for the greater part of the decade now, so… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It is what it is.

After watching Wheel of Time? No. Im not holding my breath it will be up to my expectations.

ur a better man than i am

It’s pretty sad that the Rankin-Bass animated version of The Hobbit was IMO a superior adaptation of the book than the movie trilogy.


i enjoyed s1

it got better toward the end and the finale i thought was very good

i have pretty high hopes for s2

I personally would love an epic ten-episode series focusing solely on Queen Beruthiel and her cats.

I also think that there’s pretty good potential for a series focused on the saga of Beren and Luthien.

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Looked too clean for my liking.

I’ll watch it because I like the world of Middle Earth. I am not obsessed with lore, and I don’t get my pants in a bundle over “retcon” so that doesn’t bother me. As long as characters are good and story is decent, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.

No, we have not. You’re making up motivations to fit a narrative in your head. There is zero evidence that casting was done deliberately to act as a “shield” against “legitimate” criticism.


I love the lord of the ring series but my knowledge of the prior ages is next to none. Due to that the trailer didnt really catch my attention and didnt see anything to get excited about.

It felt like the trailer was showing a bunch of random bits without any real direction. I’m still hopeful it’ll be good given that the trailer was only a teaser.

Yes, we have, and people even listed several examples in this thread alone already. It’s a common tactic studios have used when they very much plan on making fundamental changes they know will upset the established audience. They make the “controversial” casting choices the center of their marketing to absorb the blow. We saw it with Shannara and Wheel of Time. We also saw it with Ghostbusters.

And what makes it obvious is there have been other shows and movies which also did what some would consider “controversial” casting choices but downplayed it or didn’t address it at all in their marketing because they stayed true enough to the source material that it wouldn’t matter. Examples of these are Invincible, the new Dune, and the new Spiderman.

So yeah, it’s become a pretty obvious marketing ploy and we the public can gauge how well or bad a show or movie with an established IP is going to be based on how they market the casting choices in such a manner. It’s very obvious manipulation.


Keeping my expectations low. I looked at some “trailers” on youtube and the comment section was spammed by the same message over and over again. Whatever they did people are not happy with the changes.

How isn’t it?

Nope, absolutely not. They butchered the Wheel of Time series and I genuinely hope that that abomination doesn’t get renewed. And it seems like they’re doing something similar already with the LotR show. If it turns out good I’ll be pleasantly surprised. But I do not intend to watch it until I hear whether it’s good or not from someone that’s not pushing some political agenda.

Wheel of Time is simply awful.

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I’d like to see more high fantasy in TV / Film that isn’t LotR or like… fairy tale spinoffs.

Feels like everyone is scared to death to try anything that looks remotely similar to LotR because then it’ll be compared to it.

(Witcher is solid though)

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I’m looking forward to the media backlash.

I’d be surprised if this series does anything for anyone, since its looking to blatantly spit in Tolkens face.

They hate it simply because it isn’t devoted to them.

That something that isn’t their ideology can find overwhelming success.