Anyone else notice the myth track crest change?

Because classic is faceroll. Like M+.

M+ is quintessential lazy/artificial difficulty.

Don’t add any new mechanics, just increase the HP/damage of everything.

It’s not interesting. Make it hard because there’s new things to care about and do, not because mobs have an extra +182% HP and damage.

I prefer it. Last season I had to do a +6 to get KSM and I got aspects. I don’t want aspects. I max my gear in wyrm and call it done. I will never ever want aspect crests

Being annoying does not equal fulfilling. Having to have the screen covered with weakaura alerts to silly shticks a dev added in ain’t it. WoW is a game, not a job.

Scaling up content while keeping it simple so that simple mistakes wipe is how you keep the annoyance down while difficulty up.

Forward progression that you felt like you earned and weren’t given on a lockout schedule is how you make the progression meaningful. Control freak taking away people’s agency and putting them in timeout for the week is why there’s no feeling of meaningful progression in a lot of wow content.

Making content more annoying to compensate for the lack of meaningful progression isn’t how you get back that meaning. The meaning isn’t lacking bbecause of difficulty issues, it’s not there because it’s not a feat of strength or flex to say you played the no agency timegate.

I suspect M+ will be a lot less popular this season just because it’s barely more rewarding than delves until +10 while being a lot more of a hassle.

You have to do a +7 to match the vault of a delve t8.

Delve maps drop gilded crests (I think only 1?) and 610 ilvl gear which doesn’t drop until M+10. The only reason to even do M+ at all from a reward perspective over delves is +10 for one item a week on the mythic track and for gilded crests.

I also think this, because the target audience for M+ (at least based on forum comments), is people who want fast and easy loot.

Delves will siphon off a lot of those players, for being easier, and guaranteed to give an item,


Probably not, they should have been set at +18 anyhow. Not a big deal.

I certainly don’t want fast and easy. I want slow and meaningful hard grinds. Not perma stunlocked or needing a weakaura dashboard kind though.

If they removed the timegate as progress loot you’d find that making scaling higher would be more widely accepted as it’d be meaningful then to engage said content.

Also delves seem interesting but not replayable in their current iteration.

Doing solo content for weekly gear drip feed is literally competing with offline single player games that give people an RPG grind without being put in arbitrary timegates. I don’t remember opening up Baldur’s Gate telling me to close out the app until next week.

The change to M+ rewards does make way more sense. Also people are already timing +10s so you’ll be fine with more gear and there will probably be some additional tuning for problematic dungeons so I wouldn’t panic yet :wink:

It’s capslock, and he’s talking with Brewa. Just roll eyes, ignore and move on.

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I’m aware.

I just care about the state of the game and try speak over and past bad faith brick walls here.

I think it’s possible they did this intentionally as an experiment to see if people just do M+ for rewards or if they actually enjoy it.

Maybe it will result in a re-design of 5 man end-game content if it turns out not that many people really enjoy it and only did it for the rewards.

It’s probably why they also changed +15 keys to a +5 key. They wanted the numbers to go down to obfuscate the reward nerfs they followed up a season later with.

Have to set it up for positive PR spin first then give people the bad news but obfuscate it as much as possible and delay deployment of the negative change a few months later.

The key squish was for players who said they wanted ‘challenging’ 5 player content with no timer.

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Yeah no, that’s outright bad faithing then.

Those people wanted m+ key scaling, just without timers. You know, an actual progression track with upward scaling rewards. Not a dead end entry mode that exists for practicing mythic mechanics.

but you
 still get the rewards, and they better match the difficulty, though they could still go higher with it

The problem is it seems the intention of the change wasn’t that.

It looks like some devs wanted to make people rely on weekly vault timegate loot more for progression. They didn’t want people bypassing that and grinding for progression instead of waiting their subscriptions out for vault upgrades.

It looks like their motivation for the change was to grief players into waiting on vault weekly timegate more, not about difficulty.

Changes like this show the devs don’t care about fulfilling experiences, they care about trolling players into dragged out subscriptions even at the expense of meaningful progression. They are extremely realpolitik and do as corporate asks of them like WoW is a f2p mobile game.

Compared to delves I’d say M+ rewards all need to be bumped up 2 levels at least across the board for both dungeon drops and vault. Maybe bump mythic raid up by 1 as well.

I’m still kicking up a storm over them nerfing the M+ drops from 3 to 2, that everyone just kinda forgot about.


I didn’t forget that either.

Blizz took away loot you could grind for and replaced it control freak style with the weekly vault timegate loot. Can’t have players playing how they want when they want! Gotta follow corporate demands of dragging out subs asap!