Anyone else notice the myth track crest change?

I guess I can kind of understand why you’d think this devalues playing the game, but I don’t think that holds up in practice?

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I would rather they revert to the pre 10.2 pacing on the catalyst, and go back to the idea that it’s the catchup system, not this new idea that it’s supposed to be the primary way to get tier.

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Definitely. The thing is that people enjoy getting stronger. Its one of the main reasons we play.

Raid loot feels bad. I got 1 useless belt from raid first week. Other people got two piece, rare jewelry, weps.

If it wasnt for delves (pre season m+ lol) id be way way behind, even though im putting in way more effort than other people.

Thats not a good system. M+ evens the playing the field. Does it reward time spent playing? Yeah, but its wow. Thats not really new. People should be rewarded for their effort (to a certain extent ie vault and crest caps)

Either way u are making a certain group feel bad, either those who have the want and ability to put more time and effort into the game or those who dont.

I think currently its a pretty good system, if you play more you’ll be ahead, but there are limits. I would prefer less limits, but i also am of the opinion that loot shouldn’t be so exclusive, which i guess is kind of controversial.

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And the current M+ structure means (outside of vault), you stop getting stronger very quickly. You just power grind all the keys, and then there’s nothing left for you outside of vault or highly contested raid items after the 1st few weeks to a month.

Getting rid of the infinite no lockout spamming will smooth out that curve, and allow more upgrades over a longer period of time.

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To be fair…most people start losing interest when they can’t make number go up. Most player complaints boil down to “let me gear quicker so i can be done with X content”.

I dont see why thats an issue. I dont want to be screwed out of loot for half a season. Thats way less enjoyable.

Cap the ilvl of all loot in all game modes on a global schedule, not the loot drops themselves.

Would fix RWF being only 1 week long and people paying off each others to cheese gearing anyways. And you wouldn’t need to put people in loot timeout for 6 days out of 7 over it.

If you don’t see the problem with taking away agency over progression then you’re missing the big picture on what drives and motivates people on what they see in it.

ironically this makes me want to play less

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I don’t see how adding a lockout can possibly do that. It doesn’t change the drop rates.

So can DPS though, and if every role is doing it, you still end up with the same situation.
Tank/Healer shortage is just a thing that happens in every expansion because the roles aren’t as enjoyable for most.

What? It would mean you have less chances to get the item…

It’s why I sometimes think I’m arguing with an alt of a WoW dev who is in denial about the issues of the game.

Such blatant pushing of lockouts rather than even slightly admitting there’s an issue to their existence feels so forced. In terms of not trying to come up with something better because it’s their figurative baby at this point.


I mean, your chances go from infinite to finite. it doesn’t do anything for players who don’t have infinite time to play the game.

But it’s not going to change half way through the season.

Nobody said anything about having infinite time to play the game? If i can do 10 arakara a week and there is like a 5 weekly lockout than my chances of getting my trink are cut in half its simple as that.

Me saying half a season was just an expression, could be screwed the whole season. Could be bis week 3, i mean that happens right now with infinite lockouts lol why make it worse.

Right, but you’re assuming that it’s a problem anyone who’s trying for bis fails to hit bis.

Why is it a problem? You couldn’t reasonably expect to guarantee bis back in classic days, and look at how well classic has been doing.

It’s just another example of how wowhead (with its bis lists) has poisoned peoples’ minds.

The game was different back in the day because they didn’t have wowhead bleating at them every 10 minutes with “HEY LOOK AT THIS THING THAT PEOPLE WHO AREN’T YOU HAVE”.

I think it’s wowhead, combined with how infinite gear farming has created the expectation that you can farm until you have bis, so why shouldn’t you? somebody else is probably doing that, so why shouldn’t i?

My favorite example of wowhead lemmingsism was the purple murloc pet, where they posted about it and the zone was flooded with so many people within minutes that nobody could get the pet, anymore. Most of which probably don’t even collect pets. But wowhead said it, so like lemmings they all rushed off.

When they first squished the key levels during s4 of DF myth track vault was at +8 with crests at +6 and hero dungeon drops at, if I recall correctly, +7.

How about you guys go play classic then. Since its so fun to be worse than other players because you lost your weekly dice roll.

Never played classic, i dont want to, and i dont care whats its like.