Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

oh i miss read what you said lol
yes bountiful lvl 1 delves are good to do might get less xp though

I was so excited for delves. I don’t really want to do dungeons and just want to play on my own time so this was going to be great single player content. Figured I could level some alts through delves and make Brann stronger making delves easier for my main. Max him out asap then just slowly gear out alts and mess around casually. I’ll never have mythic level gear but good enough for some solo fun.

Now I am not sure what my plans are. The grind of getting keys to be able to just do bountiful delves does not sound appealing.

and to anyone saying “get gud” I just got the High Explorer title at 585 ilvl


Let me guess, each season they are going to reset him back to 15? Cause that’s how stupid this already sounds


I’m sure it will be 0, not 15


Probably unlocks on next week’s reset. They locked it down and did a huge exploit ban recently for it. Likely giving those people a chance to come back to the game on level playing field with everyone else. Just my thoughts.

Until we know for sure they aren’t going to pull some BS like resetting his level every season, I’m not touching delves.

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What part of what I said makes you think that? :roll_eyes:

Booooooo! Bad design.


Oh wait, the exploiters, of course.

That must be why things changed, I had already forgotten about that.

Cool, thanks exploiters, y’all rock like a ham to the face.

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Had to squeeze in one last minute time gate, huh? Good to know we are now on an unending treadmill for delves. Can’t play and get it done and enjoy the spoils of the effort. Now we’ll be time gated such that it takes the entire season to level Brann up, then right when we finally finish, Season 2 starts and we have to level a new follower from scratch yet again


ohhhh that makes more sense. Why reset Brann’s lvls when they can just force you to use a new follower that of course needs to be leveled up?

The whole reason I don’t do their BS season crap is because it’s just a waste of time doing the same thing over again. I don’t know why I thought delves would be any different. Shame on me I suppose.


also hearing bountiful delves force use of keys even if you don’t crack open bountiful box at end…anyone able to confirm this as it sounds like I’ll need to burn keys to level brann

Wild the amount of information for important decisions is nowhere in the game to be found


like the fact you’ll need to beat EVERY delve at tier 11 to get at the season pinnacle delve that gives the void skin for the dirigible killing him solo… yeah had to find that out from WoWhead


Mate they haven’t tested anything since they brought out TBC Classic. You get to pay to find the bugs now

No sir, I don’t like it.

Brann is only around for Season 1 in Season 2 we get a new companion to level.

Well i dont but yes too many people do

Like how hard is that to put in a blue post when talking about delves or the freaking void skin

I thought out-of-season April Fool’s jokes were only for mobile Diablo games, but here we are.