Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

it is for season 1 gear


Eh sounds fine to me. Brann does not really matter that much.

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I understand why you did this but it would be so much simpler to just do away with Brann altogether and scale down the difficulty to compensate. He has been nothing but one problem after another. And also delves were always billed as a single player experience not single player + jank AI and weird scaling based on which class you play.


Ain’t that the truth. :+1: :disguised_face:


ofc not. its a last minute thing. otherwise we would of known. smh


Are you saying everyone else should be punished for bad players exploiting?

They should balance the XP properly. not slap others for their own mistakes

Oh, yuck… this is just gross. I keep trying to get excited about this expansion and Blizzard keeps doing crap like this. I guess it’s time to change all my plans for this game. Some kind of advanced notification would have helped.


Just learned this the hard way. Oh well. It’s week 1.

He caps at level 60 though, and the exp per level increases each level (I assume). I’m not even sure it’s possible to max him out in season 1 with the amount of exp we are limited to per day. Assuming somebody only playing 1 character or it being true the bountiful delve lockout is warband wide, even if his exp per level didn’t change we are talking like 20 days of doing 4 bountiful delves every single day just to level Brann. That’s nonsense.


The fact that Brann is only around for season 1 and then we’ll have to level a new companion up again from scratch should ensure that each companion is EASIER and FASTER to level up, not slower!

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Wait, does that mean that people who exploited the Brann leveling will be ahead of us for the foreseeable future?

this is the main issue for me. season one gear only goes so high, and we get a new guy next season, so whats the point?

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I see, they had to stop players from spamming it and getting level 60 in a day or two. Oh well.

Just think about what youre saying. Youre pretty much saying its bad people are playing the game. Dont concern yourself with what others have concern youself with how others and yourself can have fun

Pandaria Remix was a bad idea, all it did was tell players that they could farm trivial content for infinite power.

Except this was and always has been advertised as an End Game Pillar

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You don’t get ever-increasing power for doing trivial content in any end-game pillar.

don’t know if someone already said it, but Blizz confirmed that you no longer get Brann xp from delves once he hits 15.
only from bountiful delves.
yes, they effectively killed the new “casual content” feature less than a month into the xpack.
go figure.


Do you consider raids trivial?