Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

in other MMOs, there’s a common debate regarding earning per hour vs fun per hour. Some people play those games as a job to earn enough to play the game for free and don’t seem to enjoy the money-earning content of the game, but the overall playerbases instead pay a monthly sub and focus on fun per hour- doing exactly the content they find fun for the most amount of their play time. It’s cost trade off but it’s worth it there for most and they tend to be happy with the situation.

It’s not a conversation that is had in WoW. Fun per Hour is a non-existent metric. the lifers here seem to accept it’s a paid sub AND a job, full of content you don’t enjoy that you have to do for the fleeting moments you do.


So what exactly is the point of non bountiful delves if we can’t get gear and can’t level brann? Run them 4 times to unlock T8? Is that it?

Massive L.


Hey thats like 2 months of resubs for casuals seems like their plan is working.

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you think it is but it isn’t

I don’t understand why they can’t just give Brann a seasonal level cap and let people grind him to that season’s cap however they want. Then increase the cap each season etc. And maybe incorporate catch up leveling for people who skip/miss a season. That way people don’t feel like they are missing out by not doing every bountiful delve every day. I figured Brann would work similarly to the box in torghast or the research in horrific visions. Not sure why you guys are going this route now.


Because only M+ is allowed to provide infinite progression per week.


Im sorry… from 15 to 60?

Why such a level difference? From 50 to 60 ok i get that but… why? This is just frustrating.

Absolutely horrible design.


I called it and people didn’t believe me, everyone was in the honeymoon phase to not see this coming. Now the hate for devles by casuals begins!

Anyone that thought devles was casual friendly was in for a rude awakening.

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that’ll teach… well, somebody!

Once you have access to Tier 8, there really is no point to doing non-bountiful delves, even before this was known.

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terrible choice, should be changed to both. this is supposed to be for casuals guys lol


I’m sorry. We must have been out the day YOU told everybody.


Blizzard shareholders to trust the company to tap into the solo player revenue market.

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As someone that has a bachelor’s in video game design, this is just horrible.

Like why limit players so much on something considered end game content AND bottle necked with keys?


Whoever is making these kinds of changes don’t think about the time it takes to complete the rep grind some people has jobs and family. They don’t. have the time to waste doing this!


They dont play the game it sounds like either.


Why should they when they have built an army of people that pay to tell them how to do their job

no fun allowed, again


Disappointing choice, honestly. I guess we’ll just have to see what the exp gain is like over the season.


Even with the feedback we give them it often goes in one ear and out the other or when it is fixed, its often times too late.

Take the renown exploit. Wonder how long that was in the game / beta?