Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

Do you ever have normal players in on anything that might sound like a bad idea? Because this is a TERRIBLE idea. You are time gating the heck out of him, and creating a situation where people now feel FORCED to do the delves daily instead of what they want to do because they might not get their Brann to level capp before new season.


sigh … this sucks…


Look, I dont care if that was their intention from the start, but TELL US. There is no reason something should go live and “suprise, its time-gated now”


that’s a lot of work for minimal gain. besides, if you are a solo player, you arent competing against anyone. so it doesn’t matter what other players are doing.

Ok, that is a deal breaker for me.


Thou shalt do exactly four delves per day; no more, no less. Thus sayeth the Blizzard. So let it be written, so let it be done.


With respect,
This is exactly the sort of thing this company keeps doing that drives people away en mass. This is needless timegating and another bad faith tactic at work. Do you want casuals and normal people to play your game or are you going to keep listening to the top one percent of players many of whom are enjoying a ban for exploiting (shocker) as per usual. Let people progress the system you advertised as being for casuals and people who don’t have much time to play in one go. This will be a shadow over the whole expansion and a reason many people leave this game again if this xp nonsense doesn’t get properly sorted.


meaning what? you aren’t going to do delves?

So…Brann got changed then. Got it. Because I’m pretty sure the folks who got Brann to 60 weren’t doing it with bountiful delves.


which means no keys, no xp… thus grind those keys boyos.

Probably nothing at all. I am the epitome of a solo player. This is what I was looking forward to and this is what drops today.


Yeah thing is now you have to do bountifuls and only them, you can’t get xp from anything else and that is pretty ridiculous. Also just an unnecessary time gate.


anyone leveled him beyond 15 get deleveled back to 15 and only levels from bountiful as well

dont like that at all

I guess you can do the delves without the key but you don’t get the extra chest and the delve is no longer bountiful after doing it.

Ah, I’m the same. ill do delves to gear my main, but doubt ill worry about it on my alts

That is a shame. This removes any incentive to run regular delves anymore, or help others after you’ve done your bountiful delves.

I don’t entirely understand why everything in this game is gated and artificially dragged out. I get that you believe that it will help with player retention, but on me it has the opposite effect. You retain me as long as I have fun. It’s not fun if I hit artificial walls everywhere, in a game I’m paying for.


no keys, no xp, did you not read what I wrote?

I did. Do you know this for sure? The key is for the chest. Are you saying that if you don’t open the chest, you do not get credit for the delve?

Garbage. I can’t believe you have bet whatever good will you had left by going all in on time-gating everything this hard.

I’m really starting to believe all the people who say it’s just a ploy to drag out subs into more months when people may normally take a break.



So this new pillar of endgame is capped at ilvl gear lower than what comes from other pillars, gated to getting that gear once a week from the vault, and now the only other method of progressing is arbitrarily gated too?

I was really excited for delves as my new main game mode. I’m not liking any of this, though.