Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

they know it is, why else was it not communicated until after the season start?


With all do respect… Why?

The only real difference between Bountiful Delves and Non-Bountiful Delves is a bountiful chest at the end.

Just have him get exp from any Delve and chalk it up as a Win.


probably so you cany grind bran up to lvl 50 and have him solo the delves

I do, I play WoW’s competitors who don’t do this kind thing in their solo MMO content, and I enjoy it a lot more than this.

But that’s how we got here in the first place- Bliz wants that solo money their competitors are getting so bad but they can’t get out of their own way.

I will go back to my other games, and Bliz have their pride but not the money.
Such a victory for you both.


Damn, unfortunate they decided to timegate it so heavily. Terrible decision.


can i have your gold?

bliz has it, ask them.

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Forgive me, but wouldn’t this mechanism of XP gains for Brann only via Bountiful Delves unduly give greater XP “farmability” to folks with a bunch of alts? Wouldn’t
they just be able to do 4 bountiful delves per day per character and power-level him that way?

In my opinion, limiting his XP gains to only Bountiful completions feels bad either way, but especially when alt characters could be used to “game” the XP grind.


not to worry, next Brann will only get XP gains on the first X bountifuls per week across a warband.



It brings a tear to my eye watching solo players ask for a progression system only to run smack into the time gates mythic, and pvp players experience and yell " wtf"

You made it lads


This is stupid. :frowning: Only 4 Bountiful Delves per day per character means your just incentivising people with Alt Armies to blow past people like me who doesn’t have the time to have a massive Alt Army.

Because if I did, I probably wouldn’t BE SOLO.


Months and months and months of testing and your just NOW telling us this?

HOW are you guys so bad at communication? I dont understand how you dont see things coming from a mile away? There is a clear problem internally between the devs, GMs and players. Please fix it! Get on the same page!


I wonder where that change (IMHO for the worse) came from… and this clarification won’t do much when they do not tell us what they planned for the “You know how I can access more than 4 Bountiful Delves a day? My army of alts!” situation.

Even a weekly Brann XP cap would sound better than limiting this to this type of delve… and no, we also don’t want that. :smiley:


Its not an accident its a business plan. Distract and prolong people.


Likely wont happen brand isn’t really powerful enough to tip the scale that hard.

that is not great. are we supposed to level up an army of alts to run bountiful delves with every single day just to be able to level him and make him useful? assuming he is useful at max level anyway, he might be just as pointless dps-wise as he is now


This just incentivises people with Alt Armies to run the 4 Bountiful Delves on Alts to level him up. People like me who don’t have time to maintain an Alt Army or Raid (Which is why I’m a, and I want to emphasize this, a SOLO player, get left behind.

This is a real dumb decision. Please take this feed back and communicate this to the dev team to have this reversed.


It just feels like Streamers are the only people Blizz actually listens to anymore.

Like all these changes are no problem if youre paid to play the game but its just not fun as a regular player

Edit: why is it only Blizzards forum I am a 80 year old with technology. I didnt mean to quote myself.


I dont believe that. There are legit gaps of communication in Blizzard. It happens frequently

Be. Cause. They. Don’t. Want. You. To. Farm. It.

That’s it, thats the singular reason. They want it gated like everything else they want gated.

Work it throughout the season.

When the first patch hits, I bet we either get a catch up mechanic, or more levels for him, if we get anything at all.