Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

Same ran 3 delves so far and brann is stuck at 15. Hopefully they reenable him soon. Not gonna stop me doing delves. He just makes it a touch easier.

someone in another thread said they started getting XP again at level 8 delves. can anyone else confirm?

I saw someone say the same on Trade but honestly Im not spending time to figure it out until we actually get an official statement. If we ever get one

People were using an exploit during EA to level him to 60 pretty quickly, and there were people doing it with 5 accounts at a time. That is why they locked him to 15. Are you saying you are fine with exploiting?

Yes me and my buddy got him to 15 a few days ago and he stopped getting exp. I was thinking they capped it at 15 before season 1 starts tbh.

that is true. but season one started today and nobody is getting xp (except possibly in lvl 8 delves)


At level 15 and higher, Brann only gets XP for seasonal progression from bountiful delves.

We have a hotfix coming that will make this more clear in the tooltip. From level 1 to 14, Brann gains XP from all delves, and then from level 15 to 60, the tooltip will read:

 Complete bountiful delves to increase Brann's power in combat during the season.

Wow. Just… Wow. Talk about bad.

Why can’t he just earn XP like he did up to 15 from everywhere? Why does it specifically have to be only on bountiful delves? Is it now only upon completion of said delves? Not just getting treasures or killing mobs?

How many bountiful delves must a player now complete before Brann will be level 60? Considering that its a staggering 36shk XP to go from 15 to 16.

1 step forward in QoL followed by 99 steps backwards.


Oh. Well.

Ty for the clarification.


at least the mystery is solved


Because this “content” has to last the entire season.


This is actually terrible, but I guess it means maximum XP progression only requires 4 runs a day instead of infinite. Who cares, though? 8s are still going to get cleared this week. This isn’t stopping anything.


I mean this had to have been known for months before now. Why are we just now getting this information?

Edit: i also like how “making it more clear in the tooltip” is just adding it to the tooltip.


then Bountifuls need to be active a lot more often and widespread and keys need to be more plentiful.

This is the same old Timegating bull that gets subs cancelled.

and this lack of transparency is literally the other thing that gets them canceled too.


I mean I’m glad I’m capping myself at the veteran 3/8 track gear lol

Was that the case before you capped him at level 15?


Brann also suffers from borrowed power it seems lol


Time to crowdfund a lawyer and sue Blizz for this stupid decision. #BoycottDelves


This is such a dumb change. Deleting the quest reward exp tokens that were being saved in our inventory was also a slap in the face. I don’t understand why you have to so heavily time gate everything, it’s becoming asinine, just let us play the game.


how many do you think you are going to need to do to get geared up? besides, what you call timegating is just game mechanics, like any other game. you either limit the amount of attempts or make low drop rates that you have to grind out. if you want max gear now, then try playing something besides an MMO.