Brann stuck at 15 0/37688, bountiful delves give no XP either

Kaivan locked the last post on this, but this is BROKEN.

I am locked at 15 with 0/ 37688. I just completed a BOUNTIFUL DELVE in order to test this response and it is still at 15 0/37688 at completion.

EDIT: I see there is a hotfix coming for the tooltip, but the xp gain is still broken

(from Kaivan)

EDIT2: People reporting they are getting any XP for Brann are saying the delve not only has to be BOUNTIFUL, but also 8+??? How is this solo content if you are gated with a level 15 brann trying to do 8+ Bountiful?

The blue post says any delve that is bountiful…

So is it a bug that I am not getting XP in bountiful Delves that are lower than 8? Or am I supposed to be doing a “solo friendly 8+ with a level 15 Brann” in order to try to get him the XP in order to be able to do it solo?

just started doing delves and got to bran lvl 16. then something changed the other day and now he is not gaining any xp, he is only lvl 16 and i have done 4 bountifull delves and he is not getting any higher. I am not going to waste my time doing this content if it is not going to benefit me, I can not do higher delves if i can not get bran higher to help too.

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Is there any way I can get a confirmation on what is required to level him? Is he supposed to get XP in bountiful delves below level 8?

I’m up to 7 delves now, and am still at level 15 0/37688. I do these solo and I just can’t see how you are supposed to get through anything higher without him getting stronger.

When you kill things does it show brann getting experience?

Have you tried doing this on a higher level tier?

You can only see Brann’s XP via the reputation tab. The small items you pick up say on the tooltip that they are XP for Brann, but give none. I was also under the impression that you would get XP for him by doing Bountiful Delves, but all of this seems to be incorrect.

I am up to level 7 bountiful delves at the moment. I am doing these solo which is very difficult. This is featured as solo content in the release.

I can barely hold my own at 7 with my druid tank (ilvl580). I can go to level 4 with my lock or hunter (ilvl 600) due to Brann’s UI killing us and never taking aggro with pet classes. (I assume the lack of aggro thing that only occurs with hunter/lock is a bug, /shrug).

If I could turn off Brann, I might make it through with Hunter/Lock, but not with his lack of any aggro help and all out sabotage. On my tank, Brann is always practically dead as he can’t get enough of peeling aggro off me which requires huge effort on his part since I am pulling threat.

I just don’t understand how I am supposed to get through the higher delve levels in order to level the NPC, in order to get to even higher delve levels.

Just completed 2 Bountiful delves. One 8+ and one 9+. My brann did not earn any experience from the runs. Both runs were completed successfully with no deaths.

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I am at a complete loss as to what is supposed to be happening here or how we are supposed to be getting XP for Brann.

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Your Brann is level 38. That is currently the cap.

After level 15, only Bountiful Delves give exp to Brann. It does not have to be a tier 8 or higher, just be bountiful.


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Add me and let’s figure this out.

I play GDruid and I just hit the level cap.

My Brann is capped at level 15 and receives 0 XP from bountiful delves up to level 7

*Just completed another bountiful delve picking up many of the curios and Brann is still at 0/37668 level 15. I’ve even tried opening Bountiful chests at the end to see if that would help, I’m at 6/50 on that achievement. Almost done with the discoveries and treasure achieves for all of them.

Try level 8 delve with me.

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Pretty sure they stealth shut off Brann’s XP gain again either Wednesday or Thursday. If I had to guess, Brann’s XP from bountifuls was meant to be once per day for your warband but it was actually once per day per character. Each 8 I was completing across the 3 toons I had keys on was basically rewarding Brann a level before they stopped it.

They capped it at 38, but OP is saying they’re not getting any xp at 15. Which is why I am wondering if it’s 8 Tier where you get xp.

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I know Friday and Saturday I did a handful of tier 6 and 7 bountiful delves and was getting exp. Brann was around 22 and is now 27.

  • I only did tier 6 or 7 delves those days. I had done two tier 8s on Thursday, one solo and one group.
  • I did all delves solo.
  • I only opened one or two caches.
  • He received exp from monster kills and looted exp, it showed up in my chat lot.
  • I was feral DPS. Brann was speced as DPS the entire time.

Just data points that might prove useful while trying to see if there is any bug or something going on!

Edit: I did not do any delves today at all. I will try and run some Bountiful delves tomorrow and report back. I was getting expected exp on Friday and Saturday.

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Update: as of 9/16 I am now starting to get xp from bountiful delves! In a level 6 bountiful, I picked up the first 2 curios and received 556xp into level 15. Looks like they must have put in a fix overnight.

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I did two bountiful Delves today Brann 33 and he got NO EXP… Delves are scam